There were concerned about the government listening to us on our phones -of course we know that to be true now. So people started pulling the batteries out of their phones. So then they started coming out with phones with batteries that couldn’t be removed 🤔

Do you remember the commercial about 10 years ago about the woman cleaning in her living room and seeing herself on her TV? There was a camera put into the T v’s T v’s without people knowing it -or they weren’t supposed to know it. Somebody in the industry probably said screw this! Anyways, after a couple of those bloopers 😄 that commercial was never to be seen or heard from again. They’re hoping it will be long forgotten by the general public -ensuing generations. Of course by now it may be public information and the government may have found other means we are unaware of to…*

The public is only made privy to information to the degree that the powers that be are able to maintain a comfortable advantage with their own information. Apparently calm of the government felt comfortable with releasing information on how to build an atomic bomb for whatever reason… but they refused to release any information on gravity written by Nikolai Tesla 🤔


You take away fear, ego, and to a lesser degree of importance, misinterpretation, And human beings are pretty docile, decent creatures.*

  • 🤔 I wish to add, which is more important: to relieve man of his fear and ego; or to relieve man of his pension for misinterpretation?

Some people apparently, feel the need to first learn how to stand up to people (feel a sense of empowerment -children form this way) before they can learn to become humble in their presence.


Some people operate from the belief, or assumption that due their belief in no God, They are afforded the right to certain attitudes, believes, and conduct without consequence from a “higher source -and as such, believing their attitudes, beliefs, conduct to go unaccounted for, and therefore without consequencea

•A cynical reference to: (idiomatic) Expresses disgust at the actions of a person; a response to a person doing something silly, bizarre, nonsensical or ill-mannered. Person A: You do realise that she has just jumped on the table and started shouting at the rest of the people in the room, don’t you? [Source: www.yourdictionary.com].


How is it that -in this country, when we are in conflict with governmental agencies (which by the way we our selves have granted said legal-authority), they have the power to reprimand, or to discipline us as circumstances deem appropriate/necessary. However, when it comes to moral-authority (of which most, if not all, interventions on behalf of legal-authority are prompted by a breach or lapse in moral judgements on the part of the individual) -THE CHURCH USED TO BE THE ULTIMATE (MORAL) AUTHORITY (but now it seems, they are little more than a habit drilled into us by a generation with outdated ideals and beliefs). It doesn’t make much sense to have no authority or intervention, morally speaking, but to have an authorized body to intervene only after the moral lapse has occurred. Or is this our modern-day definition of freedom? It begs the question(s):

•Is this a design to give some false impression of freedom?

•Is it a design to perpetuate the downfall of man?

•Is it a design which justifies the uneven playing field of power with respect to one man over another (elitism)?

•Is it just another design for monetary gain (another form of elitism)? Man is continually coming up with new ideas for making money (preying on his fellow man) and having something to do while sailing thru the cosmos on this dwindling orb -and the legal system seems to accommodate on multiple levels. 1) make money (lots in some cases) 2) stay busy 3) help to increase rather than decrease inequality.*

A thought just occurred to me that I had many years ago. What’s happening in this country and in the world is a perfect storm. We break down the unity and the morals of society which weakens them and opens them up to being vulnerable to such things as corporate America and government and government and individuals with an agenda. In doing so we open up people people to seeking out comfort and and affiliation with other things.It’s like the wire monkey in Maslow’s experiment: If you remove what a person needs they will gravitate to what’s there. If you break down family and social bonds, people will gravitate to whatever’s put in front of them and made available. Some would call this smart -while others would call it diabolical! Do I have to tell you what I think!

•Title is a tribute to Bryan Adams’ song of the same name (from his album “Waking Up the Neighbors” 1991).


A SEARCH FOR TRUTH -A person can look all their lives – but without God’s light (of supreme reason -truth) to shine on it* 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

*I’ve come to realization the (because I was once there as a youth) that I could pool all my resources for the entirety of my life and never be able to produce just one of these writings. Though only in extreme cases, there are people out in the world at this very moment, incapable of producing one thought that holds merit or substance. I, for whatever reason, have been granted the privilege of 10s-of-thousands at this stage of my life 🤷‍♂️


Humans have a tendency to selectively acknowledge and show affection towards other human beings*. Opportunities abound, and in the perhaps more extreme if not increasingly common cases; people leave their little nests in the morning, pat their children on their heads, and kiss their partners goodbye as they head out the door – It is the closest thing to intimacy they will ever know until they return to their nest 8, 10, 12 hours later. To suggest them do otherwise would be shear insanity. Some people are that far gone! That far detached! Such people will find this post infuriating, degrading. Oh well, the truth ain’t of much use in a vacuum (or as the politically-correct of our time would put it “that’s you truth”). Well, if that’s true, then I guess none of us ever really has to worry about facing any other truths in life but our own (funny how such entities as police, government, faculties of higher education (oh, and some religious bodies) sometimes find themselves at odds with “your truths, and mine” 🤔 -hm!) -I suppose I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that many of the more brilliant minds throught out history arrived there by this very same formula -that of a life predicated upon their own truths

*Is it any wonder that in this society there is so much drug use, alcohol consumption, sex-based relations (sex sells?), long lonely hours on the job, (50% of Americans overweight), spending, hours spent with counselors and mental-health experts… oh, but isn’t all this great for keeping the economic wheel going??? Pfffff!”

For many, the conquest of a partner (and you-ll see my point rather quickly) -> is more of a status symbol than anything else:

•”I’m viable as an individual (commodity?)!

•”I’m in with the in-crowd!”

•”I’ve got it all going for me: great job; beautiful partner… what more could one want in life…???” Ah, the short/narrow-sightedness of youth! You know it is absolutely baffling to me how… I once was told, “The definition of marriage is -two selfish people living under the same roof”.

•Title attributed to, and taken from the song of the same name from The Little River Bands’ fifth studio album “First Under the Wire” 1979). Song written by David Briggs.


I’m going to throw a few things out here that come to mind. 🤔

I once said that people in this town have a tendency the take out their anger and bitterness and it’s Ernest and hurt on people who Hey oh who had nothing to do with it. I later had to recant that statement. When I was younger, I very much contributed to the negative stigma of young, angry, immoral males -running high in this area. In many people’s minds including the authorities, It’s generally males between the age of 25 and 55 that are the culprit. At least it’s supposed to be the numbers.

Men get all the flack flack for abuse in relationships in this country. Let me tell you something about women and troubled children. Arrogant is arrogant women who are angry in their own right! Women who are bigger and stronger than their male counterpart. My grandmother, a very good woman with anger issues often took out her anger on me as a child -albeit provoked, but never justified. My 4th grade teacher Mrs. Shriver -She seemed to have a deep seated hatred for me and and little or no compassion for my troubled past. Never even asked! Arrogant woman. Call, 5′ 10 maybe… Dressed up all the time hair -done up, fancy jewelry… you know the type! And then there was miss cotton who flung me across the room in 2nd grade for swinging between the tables -when she backed up and I accidentally kicked her(?). She grabbed me by the shirt and threw me into the corner of one of those large oak tables -you remember the ones from the 60s-70s? All I remember about that event is:

•Sitting at my desk crying with my head between my hands.

•A young man’s voice saying “Hes bleeding”. I can still hear that voice today.

• Harangue reboy saying “get-up-and-go to the nurse”.

•Going to the emergency And the doctors praying that liquid-nitrogen right next to my eye (prep for stitches) -and screaming like he’ll (Is it any wonder, my attitude -if ever normal, was never the same again. If there was any chance in my childhood of recovering from what I had been through thus far, that probably did it in -I think satan most definitely had a hand in it). I just asked God about it… “if satan had a hand in it” Heads it there. So I know a little something about women’s anger. Something a lot of other people may not know anything about. When I did my 4th and 5th step in Alcoholics Anonymous Alex anonymous my sponsor pointed something out to me When I did my 4th and 5th step in Alcoholics Anonymous, my sponsor pointed something out to me. Most of my hurt, up to the ripe old age of 28 had come from women. Anyways, many women have no problem letting you know how they feel… In my particular, of late, there is talking and snickering going on in the rooms, among certain groups, while I’m talking. You know the type! I brought it up to the attention of the employee who drives them to the meeting as they are in the are in an in-treatment program locally. Her response “you know they’re sick” -> hence the title of this post. I wonder how many people make fun of her and talk and snicker while she’s talking in a meeting? Nooooo, some people will never allow themselves to be at odds with the group (their peers) -they simply don’t have the courage! I find myself in both a very difficult and unenviable position. At a time when I could use support, even understanding…. I find myself very much alone, isolated, ridiculed.

•I remember when I first came into Alcoholics Anonymous I continue to feel like an outsider -as I had most of my life. For a short while I felt it was up to me to do something about it. In the beginning I got asked out to coffee a couple of times here and there, but after that it ceased. Something felt uncomfortable – Perhaps it was that “old-soul” syndrome. My peers in NA seems quite immature, though they pretended to be mature. That’s when I made the switch to AA. Anyways, I decided that I should make more of an effort to reach out to others by walking into meetings and going down the row and shaking people’s hands. Well that didn’t last very long as I soon realize that not everyone in that room wanted to shake my hand -mostly garden-variety disgruntled women.

•Since I’ve lived in this town I’ve struggled with women the entire time. My dad gave me two pieces of advice on women. When I agree with in the other I don’t (on second thought 🤔) -and not necessarily in this order: “It’s better to be a son of a bitch than a fool” – I alwas took this as “them or me”. But now I realize that many women don’t have much respect for a man who’s a fool. 🤔 “If hes a fool in the home, hes likely a fool outside of the home – and if that’s the case, how are we to survive. If hes a fool then how is that gonna reflect on me?” Women think about such things you know This of course is based upon conversations I’ve had with other women who have had the honesty, and courage to openly assess their own kind with others who are not exactly. And the other thing my old man told me about women – “They’re the most arrogant creature on this planet”.

•I continue to have issues with women in this town – and currently some with women in Alcoholics Anonymous. Young, know-it-alls, who either find me attractive and are pissed because I treat them like every other person in the room (you want to make a woman uncomfortable -show interest in them when they have none for you. You want to piss a woman off -treat them like just another “…body” when they in fact have an interest in you).

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say, based upon my ever-evolving experience with human beings and my knack for uncommon sense: People [sighs]: have a mind all their own; they don’t necessarily use it properly or to full advantage; they all too often use it to their own advantage; people, far too often, fail to catch themselves judging, loathing, hating others (it’s as if it were a normal, natural, acceptable part of every day life for them (“didn’t anyone ever teach you… “in order to hold a man down, you have to go there with them””) -some even appear to enjoy…; while there is as the old-saying goes “abit of good in everyone as well as a bit of bad”, for lack of a better way of putting it, “I can see the latter littered all around me”. My grandmother had a saying which sums up my feelings exactly (well, exactly in part -I still see good in people here-and-there) “people and there dirty-filthy little ways”; people, in this country as well as many others, are cliquish -we, quite often, are prone towards “seeking out… while in-turn avoiding…” we seem to be content with our closed… selective… towards one another. And we wonder why so much of the time we feel lonely and unfulfilled. Why we dislike ourselves. Why we turn to drugs, alcohol, food, sex and credit cards (did I leave anything out) -> oh yes of course, “not enough time spent at the office” (to be written on one’s tombstone). So many missed opportunities… (to love).

“I’m not telling anyone what to do but rather, imploring them!”