We put things out of our mind so we don’t have to look at them – But worse still, we put things out of remind so we don’t have to do anything about them – So we don’t have to sacrifice our own… There are a lot of people in this country who are. “Well-off”; and they’re still running around like there are few dollars away from poverty. People like my aunt and Uncle who grew up poor but have a wonderful life today – Still carry those memories of poverty which prevent them from giving of what they’ve been given to those truly in need. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my aunt Uncle roll down their window and offer a homeless person on the corner some change. And these are devout members of our Christian church. That is definitely not the Christian spirit. A lot of christians will do a lot of things but they won’t cut loose of their money.*

*Ypou can throw me in there too except for the part where I do a lot of things besides give my money -I’m ashamed to say I haven’t given much money -and I haven’t done a lot of things either. 😏

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