When we think about what people have done to us to hurt us -we get angry at them.

When we begin to think along the lines of what we didn’t do (could, woulda, should…) -our anger begins to turn away from them and possibly towards ourselves moreso.

Some say anger is a normal, healthy emotion. In the Bible, Jesus appears to have gotten angry once or twice (and not because of how He was being treated) which tells me -if our 💕 are in the right place spiritually, most earthly things shouldn’t provoke us nearly as easily as they have in the past (present…).*(**)

Anger like anything else survives off of a source -thoughts usually. “What we focus on -we give power to”.

It’s easier not to exhibit anger -when we are free from anger. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️,

It’s easier to “act” sane -when we “are” sane.

Anger seldom says “come closer”. Maybe though “come closer if you dare”. The ego usually speaks through anger when it can’t get what it wants, or; is in danger of losing what it has.

“Happiness is not getting what you want, it’s wanting what you have”.

“If every day were a 🌞ny day, the trees would die and the flowers would wilt -thank God for the ⛅, the cloudy days which bring rain and much needed relief from the 🌞.” I heard a man say this once at the end of an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Judgement of others is always preceded by an opinion of others -try to avoid opinions of others.

Every time I choose to crack the door ever-so-slightly and peak in on one of my weaknesses, I almost invariably end up “walking through it”.

*Sidenote: A guy once told me, and I even remember where I was lol that’s how big an impression it made, “If you want to know the future -look at the past”.

**Some of us are seemingly addicted to anger -and that can be a hard habit to break.***

***Typically The (bad) habits that linger -tend to be those we hang on to willfully. The one’s we water, and prune, and add “Miracle-gro” to and of course -JUSTIFY.

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