Beware of the friend or person who tells you what you want to hear at all times -A friend or any person who is honest will never tell you everything you want to hear. You will never hear what you wanna hear all the time from someone who is honest. At some point you will hear what you don’t want to hear -as is the case for all of us.

And a person who always gives an answer that makes them look and smell like a rose is likely not to be trusted either – We are all flood; and at some point we will all be caught in a situation of embarrassment or shame.


Bill Wilson says “let no man think he has a direct line to God himself”. In all the years of my recovery come in one way or another I have always been connected to Alcoholics Anonymous.

I’ve also heard it said on several occasions that “Alcohol saved my life”. Before people get to Alcoholics Anonymous I’m as they are often inclined to use lose other… I’ve heard people in meetings say Alcoholics Anonymous is another crutch -Well if it is, I’ll take this crutch over alcohol and drugs any day of the week!


1.We push for the truth

2.We get it

3.We explode

4.We judge

Why do people lie:

•They don’t wanna be judged

•They don’t wanna be punished

Why do men lie to women to get into a relationship – Because a lot of times women will judge a man unworthy if hes honest. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

We have a real issue in this country with acceptance of others -an arrogance that belies it all!

I started noticing a lot of people criticizing me for what appeared to be judge manilness on my part. It was apparent to me that a lot of people didn’t know the difference between being judgmental and making an observation. It led me to believe that making observations of my fellow human beings was taboo. Frankly, the day we stopped doing that -we’re all screwed. The day we stop holding each other accountable for our actions -we’re all screwed.

Bill Wilson states “It’s a sad day when we can’t reflect on having done anything to help another human-being.”


The next time the government, corporate America, an individual tries to trash someone’s reputation-deserved or not, you say 🤔 “I guess that makes them human; just like you and me -JUST LIKE YOU AND ME”. 👈👉

Next time you confront someone on an issue:; next time you pressure someone for some answers regarding an issue between the two of you; while are you waiting on the answer ‘TRY TO REMEMBER YOU”RE STILL HUMAN TOO! When we’re the victim we also have a tendency to take the position that we’re better than other people as well*. When we’re down; when we feel beneath others; when, having been wronged -we often figure the solution is to place ourselves above them -if only in the moment! THIS IS A MISTAKE!

*Regarding many people, our attitudes tend to be very different when we are the ones in a particular situation versus observing others in, let’s say 🤔, that same situation. When viewing people who have been victimized, certain people can be very judgmental or aloof of them and their predicament. However, when in the situation themselves, most people are anything but a roof, and tend to be very critical of the perpetrators themselves. Human beings have the extraordinary ability to change their stripes depending on which side of the issue they’re on.


That’s the word we look for in every decision, every action taken. You take for example corporate America, there are a lot of things going on based upon reasoning that is not legitimate. In our government as well! If you can give me a legitimate reason for why something is being done -I’ll probably go along with it. What’s worse come is a lot of decisions are being made without being answerable to anyone these days.


It says “we the people”, not “I the people”, not “you the people”. We need to change, not I need to change 👈, not you need to change 👉, Remember there’s always 3 fingers pointing back at you when you’re pointing to somebody else. Looking at ourselves and not blaming others is a big issue in this country. It’s a big issue among mankind in general.Whenever we criticize somebody the 1st thing they do is go on the offensive – Well what about you! It may not be that way everywhere in this country but it is certainly that way and the town I live in -I’ve heard that come back a million times. I’m staring at some 35-40 year old man or woman and thinking 🤔 is this person really that old?


There’s a lot of people in this country that don’t like the changes they see going on. Unfortunately for them, unfortunately for us, they figure as long as it doesn’t get past their front door it’s not worth the fight! NOT SO! By the time it reaches your front door it’ll be too late! TOO LATE.

The average American citizen is using weapons that are outdated by at least 60 or 70 years. Do you think when the government really decides to take a stand they’re gonna be using pop guns? They’re gonna be using electrical interference technology to

Next time the government or corporate America tries to discredit someone for standing up against them….. Turn the tables on them and when and lend your support to the person trying trying to stand up to them. You don’t know if what corporate America and the government are saying are true but you can tell the fruit of the tree itself spell by what it is doing openly! To tell you the truth, if a person is trying to help the masses come and it turns out and it could turns out that he molested a child 20 years earlier… If it is evident that they’re trying to do good in the here-and-the-now*… I’m gonna stand behind the!

It’s hard enough for a hard and criminal to turn their life around without society turning their backs on them once they get back into mainstream America I absolutely love with Gary wee calm of the captain if the volunteer fire station said to me when I applied – “I don’t care about what you did in the past I don’t care about what you do now!”


It’s probably a good idea that most of the women in this town have never been particularly friendly towards me. Save me from getting into a lot more trouble! Now a place like Miami, Jersey lol

You know the electric company put a disconnect notice on the wrong side of my apartment door (back door which I never use which should have been obvious by all the leaves piled up at the door) one year and ended up disconnecting it. They wouldn’t take ownership -No heat, no hot shower… Well I’m on the topic, I figured I’d mention that I thought it was very interesting it’s very interesting that the utility utility company, the electric company was going by credit ratings in order to determine whether they were going to give people extensions on their bill or not -that’s kind of up there with mandatory car insurance don’t you think? I’m sure the electric company and the insurance companies just love that right? But I have always been of the mind that a free country comes a democracy trumps giving money to corporate America. We should never have to give money to corporate America!

Things like cars and phones…. You not only pay for them once but you continue paying for them for the rest of your lives with maintenance, gas, electricity… I couldn’t believe it when I heard that they were making kitchen appliances to purposely break down after 6 or 7 years.

I can buy a Caadilac SRX in near 95%condition for less than I can buy a Honda Accord in similar shape -Why is that? Because the maintenance on the Cadillac per year’s 3 to 4 times as much as it is on the Honda. Tru-shtory!

I also heard they were dropping the prices on phone so that every human being would have one in their hands? Since when?


In many instances, personal relationships are probably based upon chemistry-the prevailing factor. A close 2nd is financial security. And 3rd of course’s physical attractiveness. But in many other types of relationships, instances where people don’t even like each other… In matters of money there is often a collaboration where one or both individuals do not necessarily care for each other -do not even necessarily have respect for each other.


Like John Nash in the movie “A Beautiful Mind” where he comes to the realization that the two people in his hallucinations don’t “grow” (Lorraine speaking @ 7 am’r “grow”) old -I realized “I never got sick of drinking and drugging, 8 hours a day, 7 days a week”. I love sex, I love lobster, I love bubble-gum ice cream… A gent by the name of Roy C. used to say “I love orange juice, but I never sat down and drank a case of it”.

When you get up in the morning (as an Alcoholic), you have your orange juice along with your breakfast, you fly out the door to work… you don’t sit around staring at the clock, waiting for a break so you can sneak out to the car to take a pull off a carton of O.J.