It’s probably a good idea that most of the women in this town have never been particularly friendly towards me. Save me from getting into a lot more trouble! Now a place like Miami, Jersey lol
You know the electric company put a disconnect notice on the wrong side of my apartment door (back door which I never use which should have been obvious by all the leaves piled up at the door) one year and ended up disconnecting it. They wouldn’t take ownership -No heat, no hot shower… Well I’m on the topic, I figured I’d mention that I thought it was very interesting it’s very interesting that the utility utility company, the electric company was going by credit ratings in order to determine whether they were going to give people extensions on their bill or not -that’s kind of up there with mandatory car insurance don’t you think? I’m sure the electric company and the insurance companies just love that right? But I have always been of the mind that a free country comes a democracy trumps giving money to corporate America. We should never have to give money to corporate America!
Things like cars and phones…. You not only pay for them once but you continue paying for them for the rest of your lives with maintenance, gas, electricity… I couldn’t believe it when I heard that they were making kitchen appliances to purposely break down after 6 or 7 years.
I can buy a Caadilac SRX in near 95%condition for less than I can buy a Honda Accord in similar shape -Why is that? Because the maintenance on the Cadillac per year’s 3 to 4 times as much as it is on the Honda. Tru-shtory!
I also heard they were dropping the prices on phone so that every human being would have one in their hands? Since when?