Most of us have one sort of relationship or another:

•The 1st is based on performance, and what we bring to the table;

•The 2nd has nothing to do with the first one.

A lot of women will stick by their children based on the 2nd premise. But they will not stick to their husband’s based on the 1st premise. Some men as well.

Some people have neither type of relationship -for whatever reason.


Sidenote: Some of us get discouraged while others never seem to. I wonder if it has anything to do with the motivation behind what we do? Or is it the thing itself we are doing?

Some people meet the person that brings them joy before they even have a chance to be the begin to try, or to think about it. Other people will go there entire lives and never meet them. Most of us end up somewhere in between 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Seldomly do 2 people feel the same way about each other – Certainly not to the same degree.

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