Strong people, strong women for example think they are disliked because they are strong. Jesus was strong, but he was also well liked by many. People who are strong are not necessarily disliked because they are strong, they are disliked because of their mannerisms and their attitudes. The way their strength manifests itself in the personality.
Not everything we do with bad intentions is the wrong thing to do.
It’s more important to become a success on the inside than it is to become a success on the outside. You never even don’t have to leave your home. If it works with shopping, and work, and other mundane things such as these, why wouldn’t work with spirituality? I’m not sure if I’m on the right track with this or not. I’m not having a very good morning.
When we begin to see people around us as things rather than human beings – We’re already dead. Every day I go out of my house and I pass by people who just as soon pass by a chair as look at me and say hello. They’re dead inside!