You read on Wikipedia for example many of these Freudian and other the principles. But they speak of them as if they were only theories or opinions of one man rather than these these principles that have Great-Power. I notice that quite often even in books that these things are treated as an opinion rather than as a fact. Things of Great-Power and controversy are always treated as such -Jesus, the Bible… Tesla’s…

Sometimes people’s hearts are in the right place -but they have no clue about the difference between right and wrong according to God’s laws.

When you see that you’re not doing something right, and you don’t like it, that’s a good sign!


Care without want – Want with care.

You can’t transmit what you don’t have:

•What you never had;

•What you keep throwing away.*

Even Jesus had to defecate!

Why wouldn’t women experience both the ultimated Van agent ultimate disadvantage:

•They provide the ultimate pleasure;

• They are the weaker of the species.

Pleasure and power seem to be among the top things on man’s list. So we have a skewed scenario towards women and away from women. I’d like to see that even out. Take away some of what man has and give it to women come and take away some of what women have and give it to men. Is then a lot of problems will go away. I don’t hear too many women complaining about the advantages they have in so far as giving some of that away. You rarely hear of a human being wanting to level the playing field away from their favor.

*I find myself in a very limited position to help others because I keep spending my moneyfrivolous (throwing it away when I could be helping others clearly IN NEED -change).


When the thought comes to you that historically has gotten you into trouble, shut it down immediately. And best of all, don’t act on it!

If you value your life too much come if you value the life of the people you love too much, the world can exploit you and waves you’ve never even dreamed of. Freedom too! These are both things the world and satan can use to harm you for an eternity you need eternity if you put too much stock in them!


The world is filled with millions of men who know how to attract a woman.

The world is filled with millions of women who are attracted to such men.

Amidst these millions of people are thousands of motivations for what they do -the vast majority of which DOOLITTLE FOR A LOVING, LASTING RELATIONSHIP!


Some people find it easy to have a favorable view of mankind and kind given the many things about mankind they are unaware of.

Some people find it easy to have an unfavorable view of mankind given the many things about mankind they are on aware of.

It can be very difficult to have a favorable view, even an unfavorable view of mankind once you see everything there is to see about mankind. I guess it boils down to who we are deep down inside as far as which direction it goes in whence the information, once the knowledge has been granted us. I suppose realistically, I’ve seen as many good things about humanity as bad things -and I chose the route of bitterness, anger, judgmentalness and the like; whether it was done consciously or subconsciously.

When I compare my own life to certain other people’s live, I get the feeling mine wasn’t so bad after all 🤷‍♂️ Whether that’s the case or not I’m unsure, I just know this is how I feel at this point in my life. 🤔 This just dawned on me a 1/2 hour 45 minutes after this previous post – How is it that there are people who know less favorable things about the human race deny, and yet they are not bitter or judgmental? How is it that there are people who have suffered far more at the hands of other human beings, and yet they are not bitter or judgmental as I was? The answer lies on the inside of the individual -not outside.


I noticed something very interesting in my most recent visit from Daisy. Even though God has blessed me with a visit from her, I still continue on my phone looking at on looking at eBay trying to feel that void. Have I missed something? Even though she’s here only part time, shouldn’t I make the transition to enjoying fully her presence? Being completely focused on her needs given she is entirely dependent on me for her needs? I’ve had to stop throughout the day. It made me realize something; People with families who direct direct far too much of their time to outside endeavor’s.. Perhaps it is that family is not what they had hoped it might be. And what is it exactly that you hoped it would be? Family for the most part is what it is; it’s our ideas about what it should be it be that are wrong more often than not. If a person doesn’t have a realistic idea about what family but what family is, what family means, then perhaps it’s best not to have/make one. Few things in life are more painful and more malicious than to create a family and be unwilling/able to devote yourself to it completely. You understand what I mean by completely?


Just because you don’t have the talent of a great lyricist doesn’t mean I mean you don’t have the talent of a great melodist. You may not have either talent, perhaps singing as your thing. But I’m trying to say is that for retaliated people don’t always have the complete package you package, they don’t always have have all facets… So take heart and courage in that.

Having a favorable opinion of someone, or writing a favorable review of someone does not depend so much Pennsylvania on whether that person is good or not, but whether you are good or not.


How many times before I learn, ALWAYS PLACE THINGS CREATED BY GOD’S HANDS ABOVE THOSE THINGS CREATED BY MAN’S HANDS. Never place material things above God’s creatures; above God’s children.

Sidenote: As parents evolve as parents, they develop something of a bell-curve regarding results from the first child to the last. Is their some way we can take the lower ends of that bell-curve, raise them up so it is a straight-line?

The lives we lead, live, often determine the people we attract [or repel].


The have against conspiring to or coercing people to lie, or not tell the truth. Are there laws regarding people conspiring to, coercing people who have lied to tell the truth?

Sidenote: No matter how rich or famous you may be, you still have a personality unique to yourself which plays off of others in numerous ways. IOW being rich and famous is no guarantee of success in [personal] relationships.

Try to keep in mind as I so not nearly often enough try to remind myself, 😅 People are what’s important, not the little plans and schemes so many of us in this country are wrapped up in based upon self.


1. Alot of people don’t know what they’re doing;

2. Alot of people don’t care, so;

3. Alot of people don’t know what they’re doing, but they care;

4. Alot of people know what they’re doing, but they don’t care;

5. So, when you run across a person who knows what they’re doing, and cares, it is quite a remarkable thing.

The things that man accomplishes: he doesn’t even see the real implications, nor the ramifications, nor ultimate application(s).


You abuse or neglect what you hand and you’ll no longer have it!


Sidenote: God knows what’s going to happen and who HE’S dealing with, we don’t. And yet he expects us to act as He would. So we can only mean 2 things:

1. Rely on God to guidance;

2. Treat people all the same via God’s teachings regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the unknown 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♀️