God rewards effort not outcome. God is responsible for 5he outcome, I’m responsible for the effort-so why would HE reward me for the outcome? You see, some men not only believe they are responsible for the outcomes and lifecomma but the people they are paying are responsible for the outcomes in life.
Life is the impetus for practicing the principles, leaning on God; second only to “Love for”.
instead of using people’s faults against them, to criticise, to exploit… as so many of we human-beings do with one another so often, GOD USES THEM TO THEIR OWN ADVANTAGE -THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS AS WELL.
I have chosen to use what was written about God by people inspired by God rather than to trust my own alcoholic mind to depict a God of my own understanding.
If regular people struggle with insanity, then what of us who have an alcoholic mind?