We human beings have the not so uncanny ability to be able to think higher of ourselves than the facts warrant. Even though those facts perhaps have yet to be revealed. How is it that we human beings come to see ourselves as better than those who in certain situations act in a certain way, without even knowing ourselves how we would act or react in the same situation?

Many women take issue with a man who poses no challenge. Women are the ultimate huntresses would you agree? Men who overstay their welcome. And men who pose no challenge. How many women throw themselves at the feet of men who seem one breath away from being lost to them? It’s a game, Dennis and my brother Gabriel play which seems to work quite effectively. Many women fall for that which they can never seem to quite sink their nails into. Whereas they seem to take for granted those who readily avail themselves; a sort of masochistic anticipation. A domesticated male seems to be very very boring. A man who poses a challenge, a man who seems highly sought after by other women, seems to arouse something in women -whereas a man who in stark contrast, seems quite unappealing to many women. Girls just want to have fun. Girls want what they can have. Girls want what other girls want. Girls wanna know what all the hub up is about that other girls are into. They’re into. If they want it then surely there must be something there of value or intrigue. What about just being a good man? Doesn’t that get it for many of them? No it doesn’t. My brother plays this to the hilt -the player.

POWDER, WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE. The creators of each of these has a controversial or sordid background.

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