With just a little bit of time you can learn a few things which will aid you in survival and saving of others. How many people have stranded in the desert would not know anything of anything of survival? How many people in this country of ours? It’s unconscionable that people have come to rely so much on civilization sir that they have not the slightest ability to survive a harsh environment of any kind. Even survived their own fellow should they turn against one another..

There are things in life in which the very essence is that of never really being able to wrap your hands around them, There are things in life in which the very essence is that of never really being able to wrap your hands around them, Never really been able to partake partake in full. For to do so is to lose it. For to do so is liable to result in taking it for granted.

People’s ability to sink with their fellow human beings is formed when when the clay of the personality and spirit are soft. The shape itself is then molded to human experience which one is which when it hardens, will allow a person to Form in human circles satisfactorily. Not all experiences are the same and thus the mold itself is not the same for everyone. Nor the substance of the clay comment that of what is within the individual to work with. My molding was very poor when when it was soft. As far as the substance of the clay within me, I have to say that I do not know precisely -only that A person with quality clay and a poor mold can still can still function, perform. A person with a good mold com and poor clmy and poor clay can still function, perform. But a person with poor clay and a poor mold cannot function well. I have not fared well in my relationships which leads me to the conclusion that….There is of course a 3rd dimension, intellect or will.

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