Some relationships seem to improve our condition while others seem to only make them worse. I looked for a relationship to help improve my condition but it only made it worse time and time again.
Anne Murray – And if you find a help’s remind, better take him home. Love the man who holds the world in a paper cup, then drinks it up, lov’em and he’ll bring you luck. Ana needed for me to be the strong one -But I was only able to do so much. I was barely getting over my own demons when I met her.
Never forget what it’s like to be a child, it may come in handy someday
The life of an alcoholic consist of running after life and running away from life. Once you have squelched these 2 inclinations, these 2 tendencies, you have…
If you try and cheat life, if you try and get the better of life, she will rob you, she will bleed you of everything you hold dearly, smply pay her what you owe and DO YOUR LEVEL BEST to be grateful for what she gives you in return [Boy did I ever screw this one up].