Some people are givers.

Some people are takers.

Some people have masters the fine art of give-and-take.

Some people have mastered the not so fine art of neither giving nor taking.

How is a relationship to spawn if there is no interplay?*

And when you can give without receiving and still maintain that interplay… that’s even better

The bad thing about lowering your standards, is lower standard lol

Some people do things in order to get things. Some people do things to give things. Yet. Some people do things in order to get things. Some people do things in order to give things Some people do things in order to get more things. Some people do things in order to give more things.

When we are engaging in something in which we expect to get something out of it are mentality, our attitude, are it’s a lot different than when we are engaging in something in which someone else is going to get something out of it.

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