The idea of setting up a network where people provide a list of things they have to give coupled with another list of people who have need. Certain needs. People people say this wouldn’t fly because too many people would be trying to take advantage of it wrongfully. So we cannot help the people truly in need because of the risk of helping people who wish to exploit the system? Well I’m sure God’s old choked up about that Just like people who refuse to give change to people on the street corner because they think they’re scammers. Not all of them are scammers.

Albertsons for example has the digital app where they are now tracking what you buy and limiting what you can but you can buy. You can no longer reuse the coupon as you could with a paper coupon procure pond. It’s not so much this is the issue but the issue that’s coming next and then after that and then after that. Some people say humanity are like cows. They just go where they’re told, do what they’re told. Why why don’t we prove to the system that we aren’t cows, that we have our own way of thinking and that we are not going to tolerate this tolerate the system pushing us around. We’re not going to tolerate a system that dictates to us what the American dream is or isn’t. I challenge you to take a stand now and put a stop to this evolving system system that is eliminating the American peoples advantage and creating further advantage for the elite and the American system of government.

What I know about people is they’re quick when they’re owed and slow when they owe. Slow to compliment, and quick when insulted. That’s what I know about people 🤷‍♂️ They also come looking for you when you oh, and you gotta go looking for them when they owe -in many instances!

Depending on your position and your experience you could think that a house would be a hell of a deal for your services when in fact 20 wouldn’t be enough.

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