It doesn’t matter how much money a person has in their pockets, what matters is how much God they have in their heart.
If you have never ventured into an area of life that is highly sought after by human beings, that is highly competitive, you are missing a very big chunk of your understanding of humanity. When I was very young I decided the kind of work I wanted to do was but to do was similar to that of my father’s love for the outdoors and for hands-on work. No issue there right? Well I’ve come to understand later in life that many people weren’t interested in that kind of work and that is why it it was so easy to gain work in this area necessary given my disadvantage socially.
This country is being filled more and more with people or with people who think that abnormal is normal. That 2nd tier conduct and attitudes and beliefs are 1st tier. So what are we gonna do about it?
Your biggest mistake is going into a relationship with an agenda. Many people not only have an agenda, but to do otherwise doesn’t make any sense to them. Seems itself unconscientable. Some people can’t do anything without an agenda.