…I have struggled with acceptance -across the board! People, outcomes, circimstances, God, self… Acceptance is a part of every aspect of life, yes? A person lacking it if only to a reasonable degree…. 😔

I never accepted my father for who he was. I couldn’t! 😔 I couldn’t accept Ana, the woman I love for who she was. Her husband seems to have this trait in spades -it hurts to think about the many benefits of acceptance through observing him while at the same time thinking about all the loss, failure, turmoil his life lacked and mine was characterized due to this one simple principle rooted in -> [Humility -did this man have so much and I so little? 😢]. The I’ll treatment of my grandmother in return for her taking me in, providing a home, food, clothing -a lack of humility? It’s true, from a very early age, I HAD NO RESPECT FOR WOMEN. This has been characterized throughout my life. It seems, I continually find reasons in day-to-day life to find many women disdainful. How am I and my experiences any different from other men? I know there are plenty of people out there who disdain the opposite sex. Some who don’t care for people in general. 🤷‍♂️ I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY -IT’S A HURDLE I CAN’T SEEM TO OVERCOME.

So here we live on this planet. We can’t go anywhere beyond it -except in our imaginations. Supposedly some people have left this earthly round, but like everything else it’s not without its controversies. Mankind can never seem to agree on anything 🤷‍♂️

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