The notion of survival in this country is just a smokescreen for continuing to expand our capitalism(ist?) way of life -which feeds the excess of an ever-growing population! And ever-excessive population. How many extra hours in a given work week do you have to spend away from your family not just to earn a living, not just so somebody else can earn a living, but for all the excesses being amassed/coveted? How many extra hours do you [have to] work so somebody can be a billionaire?* Does this make any sense? IT’S NO LONGER SURVIVAL WHEN WE ENTER INTO EXCESS! And once again, how much of our time is being devoted to the system either voluntarily [for our own excesses] or [someone else’s] thus taking away from time spent strengthening family bonds, communal bonds, national bonds, global bonds? Does it make any sense to sacrifice the most important things for the less important things? It does if yours or somebody else’s priorities our mixed up.

You take your typical department store, how many things am I paying for as a consumer on top of the actual price and value of the item itself?

What makes the elite money in excess, you working for them, or you turning around and spending your paycheck, pouring it back into the system? Well if these assholes are as shrewd as I think they are, they get both going and coming. Or coming and coming.

Sidenote: If you wish to come out ahead consistently, karma and avoid all the hassles [assholes] that go along with the thrill of the chase, Focus your efforts:

•On the areas of life humanity, society have basically turned their back on [no more competing, backstabbing, selfishness];

•On the areas of life where resources are infinitely abundant and readily availed to you [no more fear, no more unmet need, no more being slighted].

*But we buy into it on the one end hoping at some point to arrive on the other end. It’s BS! I haven’t even mentioned all the have-nots (suffering) as a result of this game the upper half of society is playing.

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