I feel my love for people, humanity, is very limited, restricted, stunted. đŸ˜” I’m speaking from self-observation. Maybe I’m wrong, I dunno.
We can develop, we can approach people in 1 of 2 ways:
1) On the basis of who they are;
2) On the basis of who we are.
Additionally, we can view/approach people based on our own perceptions and feelings about those perceptions or on someone else’s. Jesus knows everything about each of us. And according to Him, HE chooses to love us. So we can choose to follow his lead, trusting that he knows everything about us and comes up with the right, best outlook. It is out outlook or evaluation:
•Based upon the same evidence we are viewing just interpreted differently?
•Based upon evidence above and beyond that which we are capable ourselves of seeing or recognizing more recognizing?
•Based upon who HE is more than who they are?
Many of we human beings do not seem to understand the sacrifice the suffering, the loss we experience as an intricate part of God’s ultimate plan [for us, for others]! I guess unless we could see the results of this suffering, pain, loss in the end result (one’s after-life) we could come to some kind of terms with this so-called “meaning of life”.