People who have an extra special energy or aura to them are often viewed with skepticism or as audities.
Men often see good things in a bad way and bad things in a good way. Many people were infuriated at the many war criminals or criminals of nazi Germany who appeared to escape Justice. In the end did they? They’re short span of freedom could be viewed as God’s mercy. There’s a short span of freedom could be viewed as an opportunity by God to repent in his infinite love for each of us. Or it could simply be an example of his awe, and ever-reaching power!
There are people who work tirelessly, extraordinarily hard on a level I cannot even begin to comprehend, and for a good cause.
The people who truly act in God’s sted really are either deeply loved or despised. The ones who only pretend to come are they are either better despised or an eventual after-thought.
Man cannot seem to recognize [grasp], refuses to recognize that the deeper his suffering -the greater his merit! He only sees that has been, is… Only people with the greatest faith in the deepest understanding is standing have managed to accept this yeah deepest hours of despair. Challenging even to the apostles themselves.