Generally speaking, someone you like has to do less to please you than someone you don’t like.

I was not wholly raised to care about people. Depending on which households were talking about here, it was more or it was less. I don’t know what I was doing as a child as I brought a lot of unnecessary negative attention to myself. So to say I was trying to survive under that guise that guise doesn’t seem to make much sense on the surface. I grew up being at odds with the world around me and that has continued throughout my life in varying degrees. It has slowed considerably in my later years. But still, something prevents me from getting close. What comes to mind is people who were very well adapted to societye’re split adapted to society growing up, and then they went to Vietnam and came back a changed person. I believe that who I might have been was drastically altered before I before I even had a chance to learn who learn who I was.

If your bed is dirty and you are clean come and you lay on your bed you will get the dirt from the bed on you. If you are dirty and the bed is clean, when you lay on it some of the dirt on you will pass to the bed. 🙏🏻 And so it is with….

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