It’s impossible to turn back the hands of time and so hard to move forward from it calm of the things that we experienced during those crucial years where where our being is being immersed with our experiences, to include the lack of experiences. Fortunate for some, unfortunate for others. Most people never complete completely free themselves of the negative impacts of those experiences. It’s. But I suppose in a way, become many of those experiences have an upside to them yes?

Just because a person accused of murder exhibits anger in front of you doesn’t make them a murderer; And just because a person accused of a murder doesn’t exhibit anger in front of you doesn’t doesn’t mean they’re not. And of course people who are accused of murder who exhibit anger can always argue that a person guilty of murder would never exhibit anger openly. The 🤷‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️




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