Kindness, consideration, attitude, responsibility, normalcy, chemistry, loyalty… all the makings of a stable relationship, that is with someone like-minded!
There should be no power over the people going after those above them, to include the system itself, discouraging goodiscouraging good people from rectifying certain injustices! Otherwise the framework itself, the framework in which the system itself too is accountable -no longer has validity. And yet, there it sits. Here we are… Day after day. Is millennium after millennium. WHY IS THAT? BECAUSE, THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE RULES [WHY THEM NOT US?] HAVE NO INTENTION OF ALLOWING A SYSTEM WHICH INCLUDES THEM AS ACCOUNTABLE FOR WRONG-DOING. How hypocritical is that? The lower you go down the ladder, the more accountability there is, whereas the higher up the ladder you go, the lesser accountability there is. Funny, it seems the higher the responsibility the lower the accountability. Whereas the lower the responsibility calm of the higher the accountability. Makes perfect sense in an irresponsible, unaccountable sort of way [insane].
You know what a big part of the problem is with humanity, Some of us aren’t interested whatsoever in maintaining a high reputation of humanity itself. So long as their reputation personally is not involved, so long as there actions and attitudes are concealed, so long as they personally enjoy a reputation regardless of its falsity, which allows them to continue to enjoy certain perks… It doesn’t matter to you what people think of humanity? And more importantly, what God thinks? 😔 EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US IS A REPRESENTATIVE OF HUMANITY!!!!!