Half-and-half doesn’t taste anything like it did 50 years ago. 😔 These new generations have no idea what they’re missing. Nowadays only the rich and the elite get to enjoy many of the things that were readily available to the common man in days gone by [“How can I feel elite; more important; what’s the point of being rich if everybody from one end of the spectrum to the other is able to enjoy the best things in life as well; it loses it’s value, it’s meaning does it not?” (shitty thinking man)]. It’s always about that dividing line between this group and that. And they keep drawing those lines deeper and wider in the sand as the sands of the hour-glass continue to sift!

When you take more than you give you get “X”; you lose… When you give more than you take you get “Y”; you gain… With regard to any choice we make; we always gain something and we always lose something.

I have a family that sticks by their closest blood relations 1st, and makes the question of right or wrong 2nd. There’s a hierarchy in this family. Your children and your grandchildren and so on and so forth come 1st. Cousins, aunts and uncles…. 2nd. Friends, possibly 3rd.

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