Common sense tends to rely on the powers of reasoning whereas uncommon sense ss more intuitive. For me, intuition often revolves around decision making, judgment of one’s character… But at times, it can come into play in the seemingly most/more logical, calculating, technical realms.
Most of us don’t see people as we should; Glimpses at best!
On the 22nd of December I spent one of the more memorable days of my life within a shopping company is shopping, eating, laughing… While she was asking one of the girls at the makeup shop some questions about some eyeliner, I found myself standing behind her gazing at her fragile little neck, her curly little reddish Brown hair… Her vulnerability at that moment -unknowingly, and I felt the deepest amount of love, a disarmed love for her in that moment where there was no interference whatsoever. I guess you could say I was in the moment, with a person whereby all the hurts from our past, and feelings of apprehension were simply gone -I think that is the feeling we should strive for with all human beings, all of the time! It’s not the 1st time I’ve had this experience but I’m wandering, why when they are not conscious of me, why when they are not facing me? 🤔