There are a few things more regrettable than a sin propagated by a lie. That is to say that someone tells a lie and it causes someone to react in a sinful manner.. It could come from a person, it could come from satan.
The conversation goes like this:
X: “JESUS was born of The Immaculate Conception”.
Y: “That story had been told centuries before through another culture” [therefore it must be a remake of another work of fiction].
Z: “And that is precisely what satan would say if he wanted to cloud the truth”.
This is just a simple illustration of how simple and easy it is to follow man.. How easily man believes based upon what is in his heart, and based upon where his loyalties lie. Why is it so hard for some to believe that Jesus was born of the immaculate conception, and so easy to believe that it’s simply a fairy tale borrowed from another fairy tale centuries before? Why is it so hard to believe that satan is at the root of thisfruit of this ruse?