You might be surprised how many things you don’t need to know to own and run and profit from a business. A lot of people hire other people who know what they’re doing, some people even hire people to run the business for them. Just how much do you think you can get away with not knowing and still make a lot of money in this world? The answer might surprise you.

Throughout history, particularly from the onset of the industrial age, time and time again man has failed to entirely capitalize [maxiximize, squeeze everything he possibly can in every possible aspect, sector, dimension…]! Thank you once again LORD for answering my prayer from days ago 🙏🏻

You gotta figure that with regard to privileges it is only right to pay for them right? Well it seems like just about anything you do in this country must be a privilege because they’re charging you for just about everything you do. The only thing they don’t seem to be charged and you forward walking. As in walking to the grocery store. Can you imagine walking to a ski trip though? Walking to California to see the beach? Everything is money in this country. A lot of things to do when you got to pay for every single one of them. And I hate to break the news to you, but as many things as there are to do in this country calm a lot of people don’t enjoy them because guess what “THEY DON’T HAVE THE MONEY”. And the other thing is that this probably won’t matter the most people reading this because that’s also the nature of the country we live in. Most people are more interested in whether or not they have what they need or want rather than weather or whether or not other people have what they need or want.

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