Good families generally produce healthy people, bad families generally don’t. The potential is certainly affected.

Stores have an obligation as regulated by the government to provide the basic necessities of the masses at an affordable price. Correct me if I am wrong? And if this is not the case, then why don’t we just go back to making our own necessities, and say to hell with a system that cares nothing for the common man? A system which is merely calculating and restricted only by reality and not conscience.

I don’t know how often it happens, but I know it happens, that the prayers we pray for others, those we love and those we despise, fall back on us and are reflected in our own lives – So be careful what you pray for. This is probably particularly true with regard to our prayers for those we despise or who have hurt us.

Can’t we think of anything else [more important] to do besides living?

If you’re not a part of the game yet, figuratively speaking, then it will be very hard to pin you down as a suspect for something occurring which someone [apart of the game] has everything to gain from.

It can be very hard to develop friendships with other human beings when carrying around a grudge against humanity. Or something to that effect.

It can be very difficult to let go of humanity, to rely on things human after having been forsaked or disappointed so many times; and transitioning over to a reliance on GOD, godly comforts… BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE

What does complaining or crying to another human being ever get us? I mean most of the time?

When taking singing lessons calm the 1st thing to establish after establishing if there’s any potential, is TO FIND “YOUR VOICE”.

Turn to GODwith regard to the things you can’t or shouldn’t be getting from other people

Most people won’t admit to this because most people don’t even realize it but, by the very fact that most people are attracted to people they either see as approaching their equal, their equal, or above them; some people see people below them aa above them, and some people see people above them, as below them-which do you suppose it’s more prevalent? It’s all mixed up. People with a high sense of self false real, but, tend to gravitate towards 1 of 2 people:

1)People below them so that they feel superior, and;

2)People above them to bolster their rigo fuether.

It’s always based on their sense of self. Oftentimes high means going higher and low means going lower. Why do you think so many people are attracted to celebrity? And why do you think so many people are attracted to people of low character, even unattractive people?

Many women later in life won’t touch a man who is highly attractive/rich… They figure it’s hard enough to trust a man who isn’t being pursued by other women.

Human beings need things from other human beings of course the question is whether they get it right and what it is they perceive they need. In addition, I won’t say that there isn’t a difference between the two in regard to process, outcome, feelings et cetera… But I will say that in many instances whether that need need his proper or improper, when a person feels that they are not getting their need met, they tend to be dissatisfied, unhappy, angry, vengeful, spiteful, vindictive, shut down…! But if they are sensible, wise, mature, which most of us are not, they will be understanding, patient, accepting… to a degree.

Some people have really wonderful relationships. You would think most of us would be more curious, actively pursuing of an understanding of the basic tenements of such an experience.

Women don’t seem to care for a man and what were stays as welcome, but they do seem to have something for guise they can’t get enough of. I was never very good to play in that game. My brother is though. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Of course there are things going on among our species we know nothing of as far as the masses go. Mankind wishes to push the envelope and see how far or rather how deep the envelope goes. You take cloning for example, do you not think that at this point a human being hasn’t been cloned? Do you not think that the temptation is not too great? The human being just like ourselves but without a soul of course. What must it be like to look into the eyes of a human being that has no soul?

Life is dynamic -for even when we are not moving, we are moving! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Avoiding drama is a very healthy sign in human beings split avoiding life and one another another emotionally and otherwise is not. Drama is also a key feature in dysfunctional and traumatized individuals. Avoid drama but don’t avoid being connected, involved.

It is not a good idea… Just as Jesus sought to strengthen strengthen our spiritual side among a society who had become largely unspiritual, thus wreaking havoc between the two factions,; It is not a good idea to rattle the cages of those in the world seeking spiritual enlightenment by depriving themselves materially, sensually etcetera while we in the United States flaunt such behaviors, arrogantly, ignorantly waving said lifestyle under their noses -IT’S NOT A GOOD IDEA AT’ALL!

If man would only cling to such things as gratitude as tightly as he clings to such things as sensuality… You see it everywhere, in the movies, billboards, commercials, In the bars, in the churches…

There are areas in relationships and in life where Passion is useful, required… And of course areas where the mind mind is useful, required. To master the art of switching from one to the other we’re necessary and appropriate is 1 of the great keys to a successful life.A peaceful life.

Imagine a man and a woman on a deserted island, the man is stuck with a woman who lacks the ability to feel whatsoever, Or if you prefer, visa versa. Just think about that! Most of us, in varying degrees, varying forms, will encounter such a experience at some time in our lives if we are active enough.

You take the human fist for example, avery archaic weapon and moderately. JESUS never struck a human being in HIS entire life, and HE had countless opportunities for doing so justifiably -by our low-human-standards!

Most people are disadvantaged. They come or their lives are characterized by something that is either wrong or missing. I think πŸ€” what GOD is trying to tell me since I seem to be so prone to comparisons is that I in fact score relatively low I’m this regard and should be grateful, and should continually seek to remind of this fact!

As we as human-beings become less and less spiritual in this society [spreading this message to the world πŸ˜”], our appetites for for the material shall increase proportionately!

You’re lucky if you break even with most people come from most people are opportunists in one form or another. Look at corporate America, the way they make money is by charging more than what something is worth. Buy anything and turn around and put an ad in the paper and see if you can get your money back or make a profit. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Every once in a while man finds a way to skip stages.

This may be a repeat, I’ve encountered women who either threw arrogance or ignorance start a fight with a man and then expect their man to finish it. These women obviously have no character, nor do they have any concern for the welfare of their man.

“Her home will be rebuilt regardless of labor costs and the price of materials having gone up?” Well hasn’t that always been the case with insurance coverage? And doesn’t the increase periodically in insurance payments cover the increase in inflation for repair of damages? Why are insurance companies pretending like they’re inventing something new? THEY MIGHT WANT YOU TO THINK SO! For the purposes of the new and gollible generations, they’re trying to reinvent do we invent the wheel. Trying to make it appear as if you are getting something. To me the statement, your home will be rebuilt regardless of increase in cost of materials is like saying, you can make a payment without a charge. DUMB -CORPORATE AMERICA IS DUMB!

We must seek to be grateful even in the most bleak or dire the circumstance. If we are to maintain that certain attitude of which gratitude is an essential component, WE MUST NEVER VENTURE FORWARD WITHOUT IT!

The key to true Happiness and Serenity lies in taming one’s appetites.