People are easy -If you want to draw them to you figure out what appeals to them. If you want to repel them figure out what doesn’t appeal to them. It’s unfortunate that so many people operate from this rather shallow and simplistic formula -but it’s true. That’s another thing that made JESUS so wonderful, HE was the antithesis of this formula.

At 58 years old my mind is as active as ever. They say most people complete the majority of their work -at their peak- in their twenties and thirties.

I was reminded of a situation some 15 years ago. Some people use the time a person has an Alcoholics Anonymous to justify judging them [for any faults they may display]. I’m only going to say this, there is and perhaps always will be a group of women hurt by men, eager to judge a man for supposedly taking advantage of a woman in Alcoholics Anonymous. 🤷‍♂️ Bill Wilson specifically points out that to stand in judgment over another alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous is to pass a death sentence. Alcoholics are very sensitive people, and how could we hope to retain their confidence while treating them like the rest of the world?

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