Did I tell you that one of the earmarks of a human being out of balance, off center, is the they often feel deep feelings for trivial things, and shallow feelings for deep things?
Some people are natural born fighters while others seem to have it thrust upon them -forced out of them or on to them! I have actually been told on a number of occasions that I am a very laid back person -Until you “F” with me! I don’t think I’m a naturally violent or angry person. I think my early experiences brought it out of me. Now there are factors within myself that I believe fostered the…
The Jews are a perfect example of a stringent set of laws that became twisted over time by its followers.
Some people experience miracles and others do not. It seems to me that based upon the readings in The Bible and the readings in “The Poem of the Man-GOD, that faith is at the ❤ of the matter -not the amount but the kind? As always, people blame GOD for coming up short! 😏😔
6 Jesus says:
« God always surpasses the requests of His children, when they have faith in
Him, and gives them even more. Believe it and let everybody believe it. To the
woman who came to Me from Sidon with two swords piercing the secrets of her
heart and who dared to tell Me the name of only one of them, I gave also a
second miracle, because it is more grievous to reveal certain intimate
misfortunes than to say: “I am not well”. pg. 231 v 4 P.O.T.M’G.