There is so much about this country that has become inferior -but inferior to what?
Whatever our country is -it might actually work if it wasn’t filled with a bunch of takers! What is America if not a democracy filled with numerous people who crave ultimate power? They say a country such as ours lasts about 2:00 years. A country founded on capitalism? And of course, during that 200 year run, there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys, a peak! This country is obviously past that peak. MORALLY, MATERIALLY… The seventies eighties and nineties were it! Then someone decided that the masses having the power, WE THEIR TIME WAS UP – A new generation ushered in which certain people determined wasn’t worthy of being the primary power in this country! Well I guess they were right because they pretty much gave it away to the government and corporate America. How long do you think people hungry for power are going to be subordinate to a population of people who can be bought off, manipulated, threatened?
As we grow older our resistance in various areas weakens. Which is why one should…