Believe it or not comment there are people on this planet at this very moment moment who would not get along with JESUS.

If they did to JESUS what they did, what can we expect from our fellow man of us who are selfish and self-centered – or perhaps that is more to their liking, others with flaws who don’t offend their own vulnerabilities.

We make stars out of criminals nowadays? I understand how back and the day people were very judgemental of others. But relating to someone because they’re criminal, or not caring one way or the other -simply for the entertainment value they provide [or “what’s in it for me” value], is not the same thing as accepting and embracing someone -flaws and all! Oftentimes something looks meritorious until you dig beneath the surface. Americans these days, don’t appear to have the time of the time or the desire [character] to dig beneath the surface in many instances.*

*There are a lot of indictments against the American people of late on this blog are there not?**

**On judgment, on making waves: The possibilities seem endless with regard to finding flaws, faults to judge people on; to kick up a fuss over. WE ARE IN FACT FLAWED CREATURES, SOME SEEMINGLY INFINITELY! SOME INTENTIONALLY?***

***Unfortunately, the definition of “flaw” appears to get “redefined” generation after generation of late. People, since they can’t seem to get rid of them, and DO NOT WISH TO LIVE WITH THE SCRUTINY THAT COMES ALONG WITH THEM, APPEAR TO BE TREATING THEM AS ASSETS IN MANY INSTANCES! Tired of attempting to control my alcoholism amend drug addiction, eventually I just ran with it -accepted them! Maybe in our society this is the dawn of a new… some people think so/hope so!

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