It appears that we are entering another one of those “lows” in man’s evolution. Whereby he let’s his animal nature come out -unrestricted, untethered! It happens from time-to-time. You see, man grows weary it seems, of ATTEMPTING TO CORRAL CERTAIN ASPECTS OF HIS NATURE! AND, people are tired of the strain of trying to live up to what they consider to be OTHER PEOPLE’S moral standards -OH BOO HOO! People don’t have the moral constitution to “hang-tough”. We’re fed up with each other’s BS! So we drink, drug, overindulge, act naughty to deal with the disappointments, to take the edge off! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S DOING TO OUR CHILDREN???*

*I’m still trying to figure out how we went from a society of women who looked down upon a group of men for their sexual impropriety, to a society of women who languishing/lavishing in their own! “If you can’t beat’em, join’em?” “I demand [sexual] equality” -even if it means laying down in the gutter with pigs? After all that bitter criticism by women towards their male-counterparts, after all the bitter divorces, and child-custody battles, WE FIND OUT WOMEN AREN’T THAT DIFFERENT FROM MEN. IT WAS THE CULTURE OF THE TIMES APPARENTLY KEEPING MANY WOMEN IN CHECK AND NOT THEIR OWN PERSONAL SET OF VALUES! AND AS FOR SOME OF YOU ALREADY TAKING OFFENSE -THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO “ALL” WOMEN, JUST AS IT NEVER APPLIED TO “ALL” MEN!

Some people’s presentation or personality goes something like this:


others like this;


Do you know what I mean?

\= negative

| = negligible

/ = postive

Now if you keep adding a particular one to your “stream of life” it forms a discernable pattern, and that pattern forms a certain “quality-of-life”. I wish I could say that people are immune to our own pattern, but they’re not. Being quite often, the selfish, self-serving creatures that we are, or twisted, we either gravitate to one or the other. People like this: |||||||||||||||||||||\||||||||||||||||||||/|||||… as much as it would be an improvement, don’t appear to excite us much! And, it doesn’t fit in with our “high-opinion” or “low-opinion” of ourselves as the case may be.

I’ve known people who are all about drama, and I’ve known people who have no tolerance for it [the human-condition] whatsoever!

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