So, a certain major online shopping website says that I cannot threaten a seller with negative feedback if they do not cooperate with my unhappiness with the item I received. A certain company states this is coercion. So how is that different from say YABE’S in the mall telling me I can’t go shopping in their store unless I’m vaccinated. They’re using their power to accomplish their agenda. Well a certain online shopping magnet told me that I couldn’t use my power to accomplish my agenda because it was coercion [a threat]. You can take the exact same scenario, and put someone in power in that scenario [the defensive position] and they will use it one way, well when a person lacking in power is in that scenario, that very same person in power [the offensive position now] against them will use it in a completely different sense. You see, you can have the same exact scenario and depending on which side of the scenario an individual, or a government, or a corporation is on, they will use that scenario to their advantage rather than using the principle behind it [the truth, the facts, the right thing to do] whether it hurts them or helps them. It is one of the most despicable things about the human condition. It reeks of Larry Tate of bewitched, who is thoroughly reprimanding Darwood for what he thinks is one of the stupidest ideas hes ever heard, that is until the client walks in and says “it’s a wonderful idea”, then of course Larry turns around and says I was just telling Darren that very same thing 😆

OK, so if you and me were flying into Melbourne Australia, and we had a piece of paper and $300 to our name, what would our options be as opposed to Djokovic’s? Would we be get a hearing in 4 or 5 days as well? MONEY!!!!! It’s true, the world understands largely 2 things:

1) Money

2) Power

If I stab somebody, the government is going to flip the bill via the taxpayer’s money to prosecute me.

If somebody steals my watch and there’s no investigation pending, then I have to pay out of pocket to get an investigation started which will likely go nowhere to begin with. Because if the government itself hasn’t seen fit to file a aggrievance, chances are they’re not gonna do it on my behest. Money!!!!!

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