If you look at the fads throughout American history you realize you realize how influential things outside of a human being can be. How very few people are individual, separated from this fat.

What’s very very interesting is how painful it is for most of us to have been judged or ostracized by others – And yet we ourselves fail to learn our lesson by refraining from judge in others. We continually judge others even though in the pit of our stomach we we recall how painful it was to be treated as such.

John Lennon was targeted by the government command I’ve been attempted to deport him unsuccessfully. Then one sad day he was murdered. Supposedly by some fanatic who had an obsession for Jodie Foster? How conveniently that worked out for our government. And it always turns out to be some madman with strictly his own or her own agenda. Isn’t it enough that he was simply obsessed with John Lennon. But no he had to also be obsessed with another movie star -FOR GOOD MEASURE!

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