You wish to break down all the barriers of your forefathers? All the rules and laws and taboos and restrictions based upon their own ignorance, prejudice, bias, hate [as you see it]… You wish to go back to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah where no restriction were in place? Brother and sister fornicating? Brother and brother? No longer even in the need of holy matrimony, carnal love will suffice! I mean if you have a right to say that gays have a right to love one another. Then why not the brothers and sisters who claim to be in love -who of you who fought “for” the previous argument would fight “against” the latters? Hmmm? And when that is passed, which of you who fought for it, will fight against those who claim to be in love with their animals? Huh?


No two situations, no two human beings are identical. It’s not so easy to compare the double standard or hypocrisy between situations and individuals? Of course human beings at the drop of a hat do it all the time -largely ignorant of:

1) even the basic facts;

2) how to precisely weigh and utilize those facts.

Never choose money over health.

Ask and thou shalt receive-thank you Lord πŸ™πŸ» I’ve never heard this mentioned before but then again, comma this is not a subject I’m thoroughly familiar with. But do you suppose it would have been adequate to drop an atomic bomb a 100 miles away the way and allow the Japanese to observe it and surrender?

All the people and what they will do for money. It’s as if we have this fixation with paradise. It’s as if we feel we have been cheated out of it before, and have a right to it at any cost -NOOOOoooo…. There is [as I alluded to above] definitely something very, very powerful at work far beyond our instinct not to kill unless otherwise PROVOKED!

Man does something good over here and something bad over there -if we’re lucky!

Regarding the Djokovic issue with the visa; It’s the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and privileged all over again. I don’t think it’s just the money, but the respect or admiration [in some cases] that affords these people special treatment. The more money you have to fight the more money you cost the other person to fight. It seems pathetic that Justice falls more heavily, more consistently on those who cannot put up a fight. Examples of what? You have examples of poor people being pursued, and examples of rich people being pursued -scarcely any similarity according to some.

What would have happened if the chairperson would have called Serena a liar and a thief? He probably would never work again. And Serena what happened when she called him a liar and a thief? Was she fired or barred for life? All these damn double standards. And we human beings of course, being the manipulative creatures that we are… We screamed victim on one end of the scenario, and cry no foul on the other. Manipulative, finger-pointing, unaccountable creatures.

As a society our expectations have increased [entitlement] but our standards have decreased – the worst of 2 🌎

With many Alcoholics these things resonate most:

Self forgiveness;

Resentment towards oneself more than others;

Finding out who we really are.

Alcohol takes away from us everything we love or are ever going to love in some instances. Recovery is an opportunity to reconnect, to explore new and exciting endeavors.

Recovery is an active self-love. Something you’re typical American knows little of -or has little time for.

Why does an ad on my phone say that the Macy’s store in our town will be closing when we do not have a macy’s store in our town? Because there’s a lot of lying going on on the Internet and I’d sure as hell like to know who’s doing something about all this? Think it’s OK to be allowing people to put up false information to attract attention to ads and so forth? LIARS! SCAMMERS! MANIPULATORS!

In the olden days people had higher expectations, higher standards. So what do you suppose πŸ€” can be gained by the powers that be -lowering the standard’s, lowering the expectations of the masses? Hmmmmm… Do you think the expectations, the standards of the elite have been lowered as well? I doubt it! Although in certain instances… through some…

When we rely too much on something we are forced to compromise not only our principles but God’s principles -or simply suffer the consequences and stand by those principles NO MATTER THE COST. YOUR AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN IS ONLY WILLING TO SACRAFICE SO MUCH BEFORE COMPROMISE SETS IN!

Many people lack the depth, the maturity, the faith, to fully grasp, to fully embrace, what it is that is happening in/to this country! πŸ˜”

It’s better as a spiritual being to do the wrong thing with good intentions than to do the right thing with bad ones -GOD DEALS FIRST-AND-FOREMOST WITH πŸ’• AND SECONDLY WITH SCENARIOS I BELIEVE! SCENARIOS COME AND GO. LIFE WAS CREATED FOR MAN, NOT MAN FOR LIFE!

Can you feel life testing you, pushing you to your limits? Some of us don’t get it, I know I didn’t for many years, decades. This is a more significant and in some cases, more pervasive feature of [some] people’s lives. We grow by having our limits tested voluntarily, willfully [subconsciously or consciously]? We’re not here to enjoy life though some of us like to think so. And those of us who manage, I believe it’s an example to all of us; a lesson to all of us; a warning; an inspiration for some. Different men are inspired by different things -but of course you knew that already πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I do things for people and I seldom get the response I expect, or hope for -and almost never in a timely fashion when I do. This is just one example, my example. It pushes me to learn patients, acceptance, to keep my expectations low, to do things with the right motive, to do things for the doing itself, for GOD, for me [only]?

If God were to speak something to you of your rival, something in the form of “there is no competition; there is no comparison”; what would your thinking be? That he or she is better than you, or that you are better than he or she?

Finish your dreams [upon awakening].

Food?? [Can’t remember now 😏]. 30-45 seconds later. Thank you GOD πŸ™πŸ»: The other day coming back from the airport I was asked to pick up a couple of sausage egg mcmuffins from my Uncle. I mentioned in a previous post that I used the money from the gas I was given [to take my cousin and her daughter to the airport] to pay for them, and that I could tell that he wanted me to pay for them out of pocket, and not reimburse me. I was sore. He asked me how much did he owe me, I said nothing I used the money you gave me for gas. He immediately complied letting me know that he didn’t want a blue pay for whatever reason. My Uncle likes that kind of stuff, he likes to be treated good, respected highly… On a side note, I’m really beginning to understand much of the formation of my own personality personality at a critical time in my life when I lived with these people. Something I’ve suspected for many years in counseling -or post counseling. Sometimes, when we get the ball rolling in counseling, things start filtering through, sifting through months or years later. Anyways I let it go or so I thought after a few days. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to just do [for these people; even though there is some selfishness,, some taking advantage -other people out of love manage do they not πŸ˜”πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ] and not…. Anyways, I gotta call out of the blue yesterday from a buddy of mine, Juan Carlos. He asked how was doing and so forth….. I told them I was on my way to Walmart get a few things. One being the person he is, insisted that I come over and pick him up and he takes me to go get some groceries. $100 worth when all was set and done actually. GOD! Never lose hope! Never lose faith as I so often seem to*.

*Of course I got an extra bag of broccoli when my aunt 1/2 an hour earlier asked me to pick up for my Uncle after a report from the doctor revealed his blood was somewhat anemic? No my aunt asked how much it was about a 1/2 an hour after I arrived -I, once again started thinking they were going to take advantage. Well anyways as I was getting ready to leave she asked how much I owed, I said $7 calm as she looked at my Uncle -poor πŸ‘¨; He’s right about her having him pay for everything. Well I took the money even though I didn’t pay a nickel for the broccoli. I immediately saw it as an opportunity to get back the money I paid for the sausage egg mcmuffins mcmuffins rather than trusting in God and being grateful for the $100 I had received in excess in access for my irritability the week before. I didn’t feel very good about it afterwards, and I asked God if I should return the money and he said no said no -but a lesson learned yes? Hopefully! I’m going to use it Sunday along with the gift card for Kane’s chicken, to pick up some food for us for the game on Sunday -49ers versus Cowboys. Gooooo Niners!

There’s few things worse in life than being a slave – But becoming one voluntarily might be one of them.


JESUS implies that one of the main differences between HIMSELF, the doctrine HE spreads, and mankind and his own doctrine is “SELF-INTEREST”.

If there’s one area where one could call me a hypocrite in terms of these writings -It is that I do not go along with GOD allowing man to destroy as he does. Isn’t it enough to know what is in a man’s heart to judge him, to damn him, to save him, without allowing him to destroy that which YOU created?

What are the chances of a common man walking up to a superstar actress and getting a date with her? What are the chances of a superstar man walking up to a common woman and getting a date with her? There’s something very wrong with this picture.

“I wouldn’t kill for 5 cents let alone 5 billion dollars” Watching the movie “The Holcraft Covenant” with Michael Caine.

If I saw 5 billion dollars then gold bars on a pallet it’s done a pallet in somebody’s yard, If I saw 5 billion dollars in gold bars on a pallet in somebody’s yard, Aside from being in awe of never having seen 5 billion dollars in gold bars before, it wouldn’t mean much to me because it doesn’t belong to me. I guess I must be different from some people.

If you look at what JESUS represented! Then ask yourself, what do you represent?


How many of us are moved more by human power than by GOD’S power?

If you are going to take upon your shoulders the mantle of a progressive then you’d better damn well know where and when to be progressive and where and when to be a traditional!


People in this country regularly ditch people for the wrong reasons; People in this country regularly embrace [worship] people for the wrong reasons..CAN’T WE GET ANYTHING RIGHT?