How can we sleep at night? How can we look each other in the eye? When one part of this country is falling apart in the crisis while another part continues to flourish [even exploit]? 😔




Life or death?

As I stated, as I wrote rather, some 20 years ago, 25 years ago, You stick anyone’s life under a microscope, be it the duration, or frame by frame -bottom line, human beings lives are rot with error. So when you put someone’s life under the microscope for whatever reason, you’re gonna see the same thing there as you would anybody else’s life. Variations also źwhich are a natural part of everyone else’s life.

2 issues always seem to be of concern with regard to humanity:

1) Getting out the truth;

2) And once we have a, what people are going to do with it, or about it.

The thing that is often that issue with humanity is getting to the truth and then weathen whether or not we are going to act in accordance with it or not – We human beings for lack of a better word… are… all… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷‍♂️

I said this 25 years ago, and it is coming to white in the article:

The things we enjoy in this country only have meaning to the extent we are free from crisis. Once crisis strikes, the value of these things goes out the window.

Viruses that can affect human beings, but are able to travel through technology. How about viruses that can affect both human-beings, technology, and devices….

If a person goes from X to Y and X is better than Y it tends to suck. If a person goes from X to Y and X tends to be worse than Y, then it’s great. Now you can look at this scenario from a human perspective or from a spiritual one. Sometimes when you look at it from a human perspective it looks one way and when you look at it from a spiritual perspective it looks another way. It is in fact another way.. When we see things through the eyes of God they are not the worst but actually the best of the best often times.

Once things go up in price they seldom go down. Put on the news today that the average increase increase in the past year was 7%, and that has never been that high since the Reagan administration for any given year. Companies raised their prices probably to take advantage of all the money the government was giving to people -scavenger’s. Now the question is, now that nobody’s getting any more checks or $600/week unemployment, are the prices going to drop back down? I mean it’s just my guess that company’s smelled blood in the water with all this money floating around from the government. Isn’t that the way it works anyways, what you bring in corporate America takes away? And if there is a spike income… There’s bound to be a spike in prices. Isn’t that the name of the game, “get our money” “get what any given scenario will allow”. If you’re looking for a conscience in corporate America… that’s not how it works from what I understand.


Don’t drink;

Build a life your children can be proud of;

Take what GOD gives you and use it to help others –

And if you don’t know how to do those things then read the book come it’ll tell you how to do all 3.

HUMAN ERROR! I’ll buy that! -I screwed up 10 times just this morning.

Always try to find some gratitude in something-the little you have and the lot you don’t have, GOD always knows what’s best for us!

Alcohol is not on the nutrition pyramid.

I don’t know of too many active Alcoholics who [or recovering for that matter lol]:

1)eat a healthy diet;

2)get proper rest.



In your mind, what is a greater travesty of Justice:

1) Hurting people who don’t deserve it;

2) Not hurting people who do?

Man has a name for everything. I wish we were less intrusive, less bold, less omnipresent as a species!

Some people think the measure of a man is how much wealth he amasses in his lifetime! Shakes his head!

I’d like to see more women choosing relationships based on principles rather than comfort, status, security. Although security is technically a principle… [you’d be surprised what some women define as security 🤣].


People are funny: If you do everything right they are pleased. And if they’re pleased, the possibilities are endlessly various from one person to the other. This goes for healthy people as well as unhealthy people calm the fact that there is a This goes for healthy people as well as unhealthy people, the fact that there is a “SWEET-SPOT”. You know this however, I haven’t even mentioned motivation or intention regarding either party. It just seems strange to me that people can people can allow themselves to be manipulated, vulnerable vulnerable in such a fashion. Creatures that we are, so apprehensive, leary… But on the other side of that coin; it just seems to me that there should be so much more to it than what we ourselves fancy! 🤷‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

There are the crimes that start wars, and there are the crimes committed during the war (and usually no party is guilt-free on atleast that front). Ask for the crimes after the war?

Think of every human being wearing a suit or a tiny device that through motion and heat generates energy which can be stored and used later on to power things that will not hurt our environment.

What corporate America is exhibiting more and more these days is that if they have a big enough group in the upper echelons of income call, they will all-but-forget-about the average American. That is what we see going on with sports and ticket buying in the playoffs especially. Sure they got a few seats in the nose bleach section that are still intended for the middle class citizen. How long before those seats are no longer affordable? You know it’s coming!

Digging holes and filling them backup. It seems to me that a man’s energy could be better spent. Certainly more broadly beneficial.

I have an issue with God which is a typical exemplification simplification of how man, wrapped up in himself and emotionally tethered to an [personal] issue, refuses to yield. I talk a lot. It makes me angry that Jesus and the blessed Virgin mother Mary had little tolerance for people of this… THANK YOU LORD FOR ANSWERING THIS PRAYER FROM YESTERDAY, DAY-BEFORE WHICH I FELT LOATHED TO ASK. 🙏🏻

Just because you agree to something, doesn’t excuse any wrong-doing [intent…] on the part of the other person(s).

Under the most dire of circumstances you find out who people really are – And often times in the most mundane as well. But out of a 100 starving people in a pit, You throw just enough food down there for several and and see which one’s manage to maintain their humanity, their spirituality! Are you one of them? I would hope that I’m one of those people that would shove aside men, women, children in my own efforts to survive.

It’s one thing to make light of a serious situation when you yourself are in but to do so when you are not, and others are… appears to be just one of the faults scattered about humanity. The majority of humanity seems to suffer from one male addiction or another. It’s as if we naturally or nurturingly cling to one or another, but the vast majority of us seem to cling to them -why, I’m not sure! There are imagine a human being who clings to none -and, why not?

Very few people understand the full meaning, and thus the full purpose of life -most understand the basic one [survival? Is this the basic one?].