Some people are meant to be served in this life and some people are meant to serve high from the sooner we warm up to our rmapped to arrow in this world, the easier will go for us and those around us.
The smaller the organism, the less one requires -And so it goes with the human ego!
When you pay more for a little more how much more are you getting? When you pay an extra $100 for the Deluxe model are you actually getting more than your $100 or less than your $100 worth? When you pay an extra $200 for the ultimate Deluxe model are you actually getting more than your $200 or less than your $200 worth?? The answer to that lies in the climate of the society a society you live in. If you live in a greedy, selfish society then you already know the answer. If you live in a dishonest society then you already know the answer. If you live in a society where people respect respect and love their fellow man then you already know the answer.
I haven’t an Uncle. Their mindset is always the same irregardless of their circumstances. If I get a $20 gift certificate it’s because they have a $1000 in the bank for their children. If I get a $30 gift certificate it’s because they have $2000 in the bank for their children. What I’m trying to say, what I’m trying to illustrate is that no matter no matter what, the giving is always going to be proportional, proportionally tight in my case! You would think that with $5000 to spend on Christmas, and about 25 or 30 relatives to buy for, you could get a $100 gift certificate right? Not for me. Am I being selfish? Ungrateful? I think I’m just mad about that gas money to take my cousin and her daughter to the airport, and 1/3rd of it going to buy two sausage egg-McMuffins for my Uncle using the money he knew she had given me for gas, driving to McDonald’s, waiting in the drive thru for 15 minutes, delivery it to him, the stacking all the boxes in the garage like he asked, asking me how much he owes for the sandwiches, knowing they had just given me $25 for β½ for the trip to the airport and back, me feeling uncomfortable asking for the money back cause I know my Uncle, so I answer “You just gave me this money for gas didn’t you” “Yes” with a look in his eye more like [that’s right]. And he didn’t waste any time insisting on giving me that money back. He took the sandwiches for free, no issue with me driving around to get it done, no issue with waiting in line for 15 minutes and no issue with stacking the boxes like he asked. He wasn’t bothered one bit to ask for all that and have me pay for their breakfast on top of it. UNBELIEVABLE. Now I know where I got my selfishness from, now I know where I got my taking advantage of other people from. I know exactly where them got it from! π‘