Some people love their children unconditionally but not their partners? When you marry someone, all of a sudden you have the right to place conditions on that relationship. Is this like some way of getting even for the fact that you really aren’t allowed to do that with your children? Isn’t a relationship with your spouse and even deeper commitment than one with your children? Doesn’t the term “family” rest upon the relationship between the man and the woman -and not the other way around? It’s my understanding according to the church thit’s church that the relationship between a man and a woman is sanctified and that the relationship between apparent and their children is not. And yet, people choose to accept their children unconditionally, but their spouse is conditionalAnd yet, people choose to accept their children unconditionally, but their spouse is conditionally. Does the term “for better or for worse” ring a bell. The plain fact of the matter is that it’s just another case of people not wanting to comply -they want an out! People refused to throw away their lives on the basis of a relationship that made that may perhaps become burdensome. The thought of spending the rest of one’s life unhappily, or struggling, is too much for people whose character and integrity are suspect! Whose constitution is…

If there is anything I have learned in this life it is that I am not well suited for this domain!

Even in a free society such as ours, where the pursuit of happiness come where all men are created equal, where a man is free to make success for himself, but apparently it’s up to the individual to moderate “how much is enough” [some people have no such mechanism apparently!]. In any case, the Constitution or the Declaration of Independent states, a person has a right to the pursuit of happiness, life, liberty, justice, and the American Way. By American way they mean what? Anyways, getting back to the original point: The rights and privileges we are afforded here in this country are for personal freedom and success, and yet, even though this is presumably, still a free society, there are people using the system system to gain superiority over others – Not unlike a monarchy or a tyranny. Just look at the way some bosses treat their employees. The way some landlords treat their tenants. The way the legal system treats certain individuals.

All of this news, all of these rumors, all of these projections, all of these theories… That lead to nothing in so many cases – Nothing except for a bunch of ratings! UNBELIEVABLE THE WAY ACT FOR THE ALMIGHTY 💵, FOR A LITTLE PIECE OF THE SPOTLIGHT

How much weight does being a part of a culture have versus having been born on that soil? Let’s say you were born in the United States but you refuse to get vaccinated! Do they have the right have you exiled?

How can two people share a lengthy history, go through so many things together, and then decide the person no longer has a place in your life? HOW CAN THAT BE? But… people manage to do such things!

As an adult it’s probably not the right way to look at it but when when it comes to family, my girlfriend, who pays for dinner depends on who makes the most money. Since I am usually the one that makes the least… I lived this way with my girlfriend for many years but now I realized that that doesn’t work.

I go to my aunt and Uncle’s house come and they have the CNN going in the living room television. Now it’s president bite and talking about Trump. You know what it looks like to me -drama? Bad news may sell, but you know what, it’s starting to look an awful lot like the human race in this country doesn’t have their shit together! Again, all this drama on the news may spike ratings, but it makes the people of this country look like shit! The ability for people, the ability for people in a nati’on to get along with one another is the highest indicator of health among that group!

Sure circumstances in life change. Right now they’re entertaining the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated with this covered thing going around. But how much of our own rights are going to be violated as the world changes more and more in a particular direction? Answer to that question is that they are going to be violated to be violated as much as the system itself determines as necessary for the sake of whatever they deem is the reason apparently. That’s really what it’s getting to -an inch at a time. We vote these people into office and then whatever happens during that time period, we’re at their mercy because we voted them in the office? Well what about the fact that this was the situation when we voted you in, but that doesn’t cover the situation we’re in now as far as the authority we give you -does it?

How is it that I pay you my money, and yet you own………………….? I paid a shit load of money to the University I went to school at, went to school at, but I can’t walk on a field that now has a fence around it because I’m no longer a student? I paid a 100 and some 1000 dollars to this University!

There comes a time where a person has to decide whether their feelings areelings are in part dependent on a mutuality of feelings from the other person, or if you are going to allow them to stand alone on their own. Because if you are going to allow them to stand alone on their own, they will be there for a very long time after that person is gone, or after they have moved on physically, and emotionally -themselves. 🤷‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️

Being willing to go through the last thing on Earth you would ever want to go through for GOD’S sake, is probably the greatest sacrifice one can make to GOD in HIS ongoing effort to save souls.

Companies for example charging fees to take payments while turning around and buying billion dollar businesses to increase their profit margins they’re profit margins even more than they need to, uh, does not justify there need to charge to take a payment.

Sometimes a minute doing Gwork seems like an eternity to a godless spirit.

I feel very perturbed about the notion of trying to do without earthly comforts comforts when one feels slung up on a cross – I’m finding it extremely agitating.

And people will never know loneliness and other people will never know anything but throughout their lives. Why is that GOD?

Sacrifice and suffering and service will always be a part of God’s plan here on Earth

Some people will do anything for their kids but hardly anything for anyone else.

I don’t care what anybody says, a person cannot attain true happiness without GOD, without practicing HIS principles.

I never started drinking before bedtime! I never tried to control my drinking -that I recall!

We suffer in this life one way or the other. It’s better to suffer with God than without God however. And many people who choose the latter, oftentimes do not even realize they are suffering-but with God you always know when you’re suffering.

Never stop at the bottom of the hill, stop at the top of the hill. Never stop on a curve, stop on the stop on the straight away.

What are some of the obstacles that stand between us and our fellow human beings in this country?






There’s an antidote for every kind of personality you will ever encounter in life; love and humility.

For a person to personally ask for special considerations considerations regarding, or based upon their own history or background…. But for an outside individual to do so with full knowledge of that person’s background or history… 6:10 AM


How many times have I done something JESUS has never done once? How many times have I failed to do something even once that Jesus has done an infinite ♾ number of times?

As I had said previously, anything that falls outside of the scope of God’s design is bound to have repercussion repercussions, consequences. I will use this example this morning, the anus is used to eject not to receive. The vagina is used for elimination purposes, and for procreation -not for recreational sex. Not for boosting one’s ego by abusing it either! Strictly from an anatomical perspective alone, you do injustice to your partner by treating it as anything other than that. The repercussions may seem negligible in a monogamous relationship, but on what level? Physical, emotional, spiritual…? Thank You once again LORD! Last night… 🤷‍♂️ 5:52 a.m.

One of the worst things that a human being can do to another human being out of malice alone, but in addition with ignorance, is to treat a person in such a manner lacking utter respect or consideration under normal expectations where in fact a great deal of empathy, and a great deal of compassion are required! 5:58 a.m.

I sometimes ask myself why GOD has afforded mafforded man so many options, so much leeway which man himself uses to exploit [and control/oppress] his fellow human being -Why GOD, WHY? 6:06 a.m.

For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why some people liked the town I lived in so much while I hated it. Then one day I realized karma people treat some people 1 way and others another. For example, most women in this town do not treat most men the way they treat other women and children. If they did it would be a lot easier to understand their intentions.

Looking back now, I realized that perhaps my experience in relationships was not so I’m common after all. Given the dysfunction of the average American these days, at least on a personal level [most don’t seem to understand the true essence of Is relationships -it’s better to give than to receive], quite often one person is required to show more character than the other. Usually the person who wants more or has the highest standards, hopes for that relationship. There is of course a 3rd category, that of a person with low standards [selfish, self-centered, thoughtless, inconsiderate] and high ideals [that was me?]. So, how many men, women suffer daily the misgivings, the shortcomings of their partners [and their children if they should come fully equipped]? In a relationship a person has to have a certain degree of self-sufficiency, autonomy -because most people, to a certain degree, relationship or no relationship, are living for themselves [THAT WAS MY EXPERIENCE WITH MOST RELATIONSHIPS]. I have ALOT OF BLINDSPOTS! It is probably quite natural to… In martial arts, when you run out of moves you’re dead -I think the same is true in relationships. Keeping a relationship intact day in and day out, keeping it thriving, is something that many people struggle with yeah in this country. Keeping it young, keeping it vibrant! And me -I was already a leg down, so-to-speak, on the competition. What did I know about a flourishing relationship. Based on your experiences, you either put them to good use, or you rise above them. I put mine to good use -when I should have risen above them [put them behind me -and grown, created new ones 🤷‍♂️]. 😔😏 There’s few things more damning than a person unwilling, a person unable to separate themselves from their own jaded past experiences. 4:29 a.m.

Some people always seem to want just a little more -THAT’S ME!