If the most important thing as human beings is to know GOD, then why wouldn’t he make it [more] apparent to those who have chosen to go their own separate way? Ti make it apparent to those around them that a life without GOD IS MEANINGLESS? ANSWER: HE HAS! Most people try and cover it up however.

Why did the white rise up through history above all other cultures? Why did blacks rise up in America after the whites? Why not the Asians? Why not the Mexicans? And why did the Indians decline in this country? What determined all these things?

Many people feel respect is something to be earned, and not something that comes withinthey themselves and “given”to others!

Most people are carrying around the majority of their wounds, untreated. Only they’re limited abilities to process these wounds, coupled with perhaps some advice, comfort, sharing with an intimate friend or lover afford them some relief, some healing in most cases [perhaps some prayer]. But on the whole calm of the majority of people in this country are suffering at the hands of their of their own past experiences. So when you run across someone out on the street….. Chances are… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

GOD cares about everything; but HE is concerned about certain things!

Who was it that said “What would man be without his problems”. I believe it was Eisenhower who supposedly said this to the alien who offered to resolve all of mankind’s problems. I find this answer very interesting coming from a man who is at the top of the food chain. Try telling that to people who are starving. Whose children are sick and have no medical care. Who live in a neighborhood where they can’t walk down the street without worrying about being robbed or raped. Very interesting -thank you for making that decision for us Mr. President!

We spend thousands of hours learning, building a career or trade. How much time do we invest learning how to be a good spouse or parent? How much time do we invest learning how to be a good human being?

Just look at everything going on in our world, the human world. Why so much complexity mixed in with so much harm, and so much distraction from the truest of realities? WHY???

If God is your problem, I’m afraid that’s one problem you’ll never be able to solve [Mankind will never be able to solve].

Who exactly are these commercials targeting? A bunch of 12 year olds!

You do realize when you are not acting/thinking at your best don’t you?

If Olympic athletes gave a 50% effort as deferred as do most of us in most areas of our lives, of our lives, how would we ever reach the summit? The answer to that is that most of us don’t.

Let me tell you a secret, you don’t have to be for example a great actor, you just have to be able to get people to want to pay to see you. There are probably a number of great actors in history that most people were not willing to pay to see. Humans πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

There are always more slaves than masters! Are there always more masters than slaves?

Angles. Angles play an intricate part in the universe it’s part of the universe and every possible way, in every possible is possible area of it. Man has not even begun to understand, let alone master this incredible dimension.

Many people feel if they can stay ahead of the game -no problem. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Individualism only goes so far. Escaping the consequences of our actions, or somebody else’s, has limits. SORRY!

I just cannot believe how we’ve reduced life in this country to work, play, screw! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ WTF

Making great money and getting the most beautiful woman in the room -For some men it’s quite easy, from most of us it’s hard or next to impossible! The higher you climb the ladder to making money -the easier it seems to get, that is once you get into a certain bracket! But getting their, one has to have that to start! Once you learn a secret. How do most people make tons of money? Let’s start there.

The concept of us and them, the notion of the good guys versus the bad guys.. That the world is essentially a dichotomy at the very least -all men are essentially cut from the same cloth! Let us just say that far more people are cut from the same cloth than what would like to believe they are.

Some people know the nerve centers of our world, of the structure of various countries, but most of us do not.

The definition of “earning a living” these days… is becoming broader and broader!

If you don’t have some semblance of happiness wherever you happen to be, you probably won’t have some semblance of happiness wherever you happen to be!

People who expect too much are never happy -Hence the infinite value of humility and gratitude!

I can’t seem to win in this society. DEFINE “WIN”. Any formula that excludes GOD [at the top] [solely would be even better] is a losing proposition!

You can keep selling things to a bunch of people who are content. We’re on a treadmill that needs to come to an end. I’ve bought things in Dublin triple that I already have simply to feed that need that America wants to keep growing hes throwing rather than shrinking. It’s a sick thing that’s going on in this country. I can’t believe that I’m actually ahead of the curve and able to sit back and observe it. All my life I’ve been the pink elephant in the middle of the room.

People are crazy that’s why their relationships are what they are. Either one or both riddled with contradictions and conflicts. America does not wanna bunch of people who are content and it doesn’t want to bunch of people who are free from anger – That’s my observation. People sitting around like the Walton’s listening to the radio and talking about each other’s days events don’t make any money for corporate America.. And people sitting around connecting in the living room is where a strong America starts calm and this is a threat to the powers above. People might actually start taking a look at what’s really going on in this country and get tired of it and decided to do something about it.

Most women enjoy a challenge -that’s too bad πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Why rely on people who don’t know what they’re doing?

You know what I noticed with a lot of people, the more you do for them, the nicer you are to them… Like anything else you reach a point of diminishing return. A lot of people, at least in the community I’m living in, they don’t seem to sit well with being treated well. As I’ve said before I’ve had many involvements with married women it women who refuse to leave their husbands which they didn’t care for the way they treated them. So that says something. They say their husbands are not very responsive to them emotionally, or otherwise, and yet they remain with them. So that says something. Anas’ husband and I are too completely different people -and I have to admit, I think she is more comfortable with him even though she complains about the very things [he lacks] that I have to offer her. I think a lot of relationships go like this, I think we won a lot of things -but we are not prepared emotionally to handle those things, or we don’t feel worthy of those things. That would be one explanation for why people stay in relationships where they’re not getting what they want or need. They’re unhappy yet they’re comfortable obviously. HUMAN-BEINGS πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Let me try and say that one more time. We wish to be treated a certain way in our minds -but when we get it… if we get it… What do we do with it? How many times have you heard the story of the woman reflecting back on the man who treated her well, filled with regret over having chosen “the wrong man”, yet the man she obviously feels she deserves! This is the scenario played out over and over and over in America. I’ve even heard women say that they have a knack for picking jerks. Well I’m trying very hard not to be one -and here I sit all alone. This may also help to explain why when I when I was younger and all screwed up, I was in a relationship about half the time. I think there’s a side to women, a naughty side. Without that [to reciprocate], most men appear boring. After all, women are the original seductors.