It appears that we are entering another one of those “lows” in man’s evolution. Whereby he let’s his animal nature come out -unrestricted, untethered! It happens from time-to-time. You see, man grows weary it seems, of ATTEMPTING TO CORRAL CERTAIN ASPECTS OF HIS NATURE! AND, people are tired of the strain of trying to live up to what they consider to be OTHER PEOPLE’S moral standards -OH BOO HOO! People don’t have the moral constitution to “hang-tough”. We’re fed up with each other’s BS! So we drink, drug, overindulge, act naughty to deal with the disappointments, to take the edge off! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S DOING TO OUR CHILDREN???*

*I’m still trying to figure out how we went from a society of women who looked down upon a group of men for their sexual impropriety, to a society of women who languishing/lavishing in their own! “If you can’t beat’em, join’em?” “I demand [sexual] equality” -even if it means laying down in the gutter with pigs? After all that bitter criticism by women towards their male-counterparts, after all the bitter divorces, and child-custody battles, WE FIND OUT WOMEN AREN’T THAT DIFFERENT FROM MEN. IT WAS THE CULTURE OF THE TIMES APPARENTLY KEEPING MANY WOMEN IN CHECK AND NOT THEIR OWN PERSONAL SET OF VALUES! AND AS FOR SOME OF YOU ALREADY TAKING OFFENSE -THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO “ALL” WOMEN, JUST AS IT NEVER APPLIED TO “ALL” MEN!

Some people’s presentation or personality goes something like this:


others like this;


Do you know what I mean?

\= negative

| = negligible

/ = postive

Now if you keep adding a particular one to your “stream of life” it forms a discernable pattern, and that pattern forms a certain “quality-of-life”. I wish I could say that people are immune to our own pattern, but they’re not. Being quite often, the selfish, self-serving creatures that we are, or twisted, we either gravitate to one or the other. People like this: |||||||||||||||||||||\||||||||||||||||||||/|||||… as much as it would be an improvement, don’t appear to excite us much! And, it doesn’t fit in with our “high-opinion” or “low-opinion” of ourselves as the case may be.

I’ve known people who are all about drama, and I’ve known people who have no tolerance for it [the human-condition] whatsoever!

Believe it or not comment there are people on this planet at this very moment moment who would not get along with JESUS.

If they did to JESUS what they did, what can we expect from our fellow man of us who are selfish and self-centered – or perhaps that is more to their liking, others with flaws who don’t offend their own vulnerabilities.

We make stars out of criminals nowadays? I understand how back and the day people were very judgemental of others. But relating to someone because they’re criminal, or not caring one way or the other -simply for the entertainment value they provide [or “what’s in it for me” value], is not the same thing as accepting and embracing someone -flaws and all! Oftentimes something looks meritorious until you dig beneath the surface. Americans these days, don’t appear to have the time of the time or the desire [character] to dig beneath the surface in many instances.*

*There are a lot of indictments against the American people of late on this blog are there not?**

**On judgment, on making waves: The possibilities seem endless with regard to finding flaws, faults to judge people on; to kick up a fuss over. WE ARE IN FACT FLAWED CREATURES, SOME SEEMINGLY INFINITELY! SOME INTENTIONALLY?***

***Unfortunately, the definition of “flaw” appears to get “redefined” generation after generation of late. People, since they can’t seem to get rid of them, and DO NOT WISH TO LIVE WITH THE SCRUTINY THAT COMES ALONG WITH THEM, APPEAR TO BE TREATING THEM AS ASSETS IN MANY INSTANCES! Tired of attempting to control my alcoholism amend drug addiction, eventually I just ran with it -accepted them! Maybe in our society this is the dawn of a new… some people think so/hope so!

If we were a truthful society we’d be seeing all kinds of truths good and bad. We would be privy to information that would be very damaging to people in power and not just people who lack power. It’s so “F”ing disgusting seeing mankind’s games played out over, and over, and over, and over!

There is so much about this country that has become inferior -but inferior to what?

Whatever our country is -it might actually work if it wasn’t filled with a bunch of takers! What is America if not a democracy filled with numerous people who crave ultimate power? They say a country such as ours lasts about 2:00 years. A country founded on capitalism? And of course, during that 200 year run, there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys, a peak! This country is obviously past that peak. MORALLY, MATERIALLY… The seventies eighties and nineties were it! Then someone decided that the masses having the power, WE THEIR TIME WAS UP – A new generation ushered in which certain people determined wasn’t worthy of being the primary power in this country! Well I guess they were right because they pretty much gave it away to the government and corporate America. How long do you think people hungry for power are going to be subordinate to a population of people who can be bought off, manipulated, threatened?

As we grow older our resistance in various areas weakens. Which is why one should…

Our experiences allow us to empathize with other people’s experiences. That’s one way anyways.

To have the power to stop a tragedy involving those you love, and to not do so takes something is beyond human understanding, human power!

If GOD won’t violate the rights, the free will of human beings… then who are we to do so If GOD won’t violate the rights, the free will of human beings… then who are we to do so

Try to convince someone who thinks something trivial is of extreme importance, that it is trivial!

It is always better to think well of your fellow man rather than badly of them!

If the heater in a car πŸš— doesn’t really consume any energy because it draws the heat from the engine. Then it would only make sense that the air conditioner in a car πŸš— doesn’t really consume any energy because it draws cold air from the engine [now what kind of an engine would that be?].

Did I tell you that one of the earmarks of a human being out of balance, off center, is the they often feel deep feelings for trivial things, and shallow feelings for deep things?

Some people are natural born fighters while others seem to have it thrust upon them -forced out of them or on to them! I have actually been told on a number of occasions that I am a very laid back person -Until you “F” with me! I don’t think I’m a naturally violent or angry person. I think my early experiences brought it out of me. Now there are factors within myself that I believe fostered the…

The Jews are a perfect example of a stringent set of laws that became twisted over time by its followers.

Some people experience miracles and others do not. It seems to me that based upon the readings in The Bible and the readings in “The Poem of the Man-GOD, that faith is at the ❀ of the matter -not the amount but the kind? As always, people blame GOD for coming up short! πŸ˜πŸ˜”

6 Jesus says:
Β« God always surpasses the requests of His children, when they have faith in
Him, and gives them even more. Believe it and let everybody believe it. To the
woman who came to Me from Sidon with two swords piercing the secrets of her
heart and who dared to tell Me the name of only one of them, I gave also a
second miracle, because it is more grievous to reveal certain intimate
misfortunes than to say: β€œI am not well”.
pg. 231 v 4 P.O.T.M’G.

Be grateful for your ignorance for therein lies one of GOD’S great soft spots!

If GOD was dead set against the the holocaust -HE MOST ASSUREDLY TURNED IT INTO A SPURITUAL VICTORY! πŸ™πŸ»

Just as Schindler not only save the lives of many Jews but many many generations to come, so too is the true of Alcoholics Anonymous! If anyone deserved the Nobel Prize it was Alcoholics Anonymous!

People don’t have a mind for making money, they have a mind for doing things that make money. People don’t have a mind for doing things that make money, they have a mind for making money. How do you tell the difference? Welcome with regard to the latter, if you take away the money making power of that particular thing, you’re a thing, from that point on they will be shit out of luck. Whereas with regard to the former, if you do the same thing, they will find another way to make money.

The true template for human beings is GOD’S design for us. Everything else is just conjecture πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

That’s what life is, that’s what life is in this country, make money the hard way, make money the easy way? Just keep coming up with new ideas to sell to a public desperately trying to replace a paradise long ago lost? SHAKES HIS HEAD

Man gets sicker one day at a time -man gets better one day at a time πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Most Alcoholics don’t realize how much time and effort it takes to cross that line whereby only an act of Providence can restore them to sanity!

When Jesus spread a few miracles around, and words spread around, it strengthened the faith of many many people people not only around Israel but eventually around the world. And faith is essential…! God had to light a spark in the world -somehow! I PRAYED A FEW MOMENTS AGO. I KNEW I’D FORGOTTEN SOMETHING -IT WAS ABOVE ANSWERED! THANK YOU LORD! πŸ™πŸ»

As an alcoholic, and even as a human being, left to my own device’s -I cannot trust myself not to [tell myself a -it’s very difficult for an alcoholic at times to tell the truth from the false -same holds true for any human being at some point] lie, I cannot trust myself not to take a drink.

Some things must have impacted me very, very deeply, very, very negatively at some point in my life -because after 32 years sober, and God knows how much outside help, I feel as if I’m finally starting to experience some normalcy, some real freedom! FREEDOM FROM:

1) The inability to take things to heart;

2) The inability to truly care about others for the longest time;

3) FEAR.

Some people will never… as long as they continue to carry that fear! Until the fear is either gone or becomes manageable… sighs πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Most human beings who are plagued by fear -will never be able to GRASP what it is GOD is trying show them as long as they continue to GRASP fear! [Embrace? -01/05/22 5:51 a.m.].