How many good movies do I pass up on tibi based upon the synopsis I read? What I mean to imply is that I don’t know what movies I’m gonna like and not like unless I watch them I suppose -at my age lol


The poor side of town where people need the most protection, they can afford good policing. Don’t tell me these people get the same service as the mayor’s neighborhood -BS!

Happiness is not the greatest deterrent to relapse -and obviously misery isn’t either. Peace and Serenity are our greatest deterrent to relapse with regard to our actual state [a GODLY state] .

I saw a girl today at Walmart about 8 years old, she looked up at me as if something was missing from her life. Single mother’s, mother who have been hurt -hear this well; In the vast majority of cases, your child does not feel the same way as you do about his or her father! And that father probably doesn’t feel the same way about his his son or daughter as he does about you. As much as possible, leave the children out of it. And encourage a relationship with the other parent.

Not all homeless people are dishonest, lacking in values!


Don’t judge others or yourself -Chances are you’re not that good at it from a spiritual perspective anyways. It’s a lot of work to judge other people. And usually when we judge people calmer we have a tendency to look at their flaws rather than their assets -And that goes for ourselves [unless you happen to be in love with yourself]. GOD is the only one truly fit to judge anyways. So why not just let him do the job hes good at? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Besides, judging others, and ourselves is very stressful, and very taxing.

THE QUIET MAN- I know a man who’s not very good at solving problems in his marriage, hes not very good at making waves either.

I know a man who’s not very good at making waves [causing problems] in his marriage – He’s not very good at solving problems either. But I guess one out of 2 aint bad. I’ve spent most of my time trying to solve problems in my relationships relationships by only creating more. Well he’s not 2 steps ahead of me, I guess hes one step ahead of me at least. If you can’t solve the problem you’ll just have to accept.


Alcoholics are great at making waves. We’re not to be considered the most emotionally stable people on the planet. Going off of my own personal history, and what AA has taught me -I realize I’m not here on this planet to run somebody else’s life. I’m not here on this planet to tell other people how to behave. And something I never cared much for in the rooms of AA [you spotted you got it], “I’ve got enough on my plate dealing with my own shit, little on trying to run somebody else’s life”. And, “I can’t even run my own life how the hell am I gonna run somebody else’s successfully?” Both true statements. Lastly, my job is to try and get along with every human being to the best of my ability, to try and make things work in whatever situation I happen to get myself into!

So judging people, trying to control people, trying to make waves: here’s a piece of advice – first and foremost it’s a lot easier on ourselves if we don’t! Just let the majority of people, and situations be what they’re gonna be. I know, you’re always gonna be tempted to do otherwise. It’s good practice if this is an issue with you -to spend a year not getting involved in situations [as much as common dictates], just listen and observe mostly [this is a rule of thumb you will carry with you throughout the remainder of your life]. Lay low, and practice acceptance over and over and over again. Give God the steering wheel for a year -completely.

2 lies we tell ourselves:

1) The ones that make us miserable and only bring turmoil;

2) The ones that prevent us from asking for help. We all need help at some point in our lives πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Ever since we got kicked out of the garden of Inn we’ve been trying to get back into it by recreating it out here.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, to see if he could find somebody on this planet willing to make the same sacrifice he, God himself was going to make.

With most people in this country it’s usually about what “they” want, need. Children and immature adults epitomize this fact. Until people get a handle on their state of being, they will continue to be enslaved by this tendency. A state of “non-paradise” as I like to call it

Life presents enough problems of its own without us gping looking for them.

I knew a guy named art who ran the district for rainbow vacuums. With his million dollars slickback hair and it’s $30000 Corvette at the time 1987 88… They’ll tell you everyone has an opportunity to get to where I’m at but what he won’t tell you is that that’s not exactly true. The opportunity isn’t exactly the same for everyone, and neither are the odds. Depending on who you’re trying to replace, the difficulty of the task will vary along with your own desire and ability. But that’s the lies they tell us, that’s the lies we believe in order to remain on the treadmill of the economic structure. And to continually be controlled. Man needs a carrot dangled in front of him when he is not under the lash of tyranny directly. You take for example all the people buying lottery tickets week after week. You’re never gonna win it! And for those of you who can’t stand the government, what are you doing? Winning their pockets even more so after paying them taxes? You’d be better off taking what you spend every year on lotto carbos unload ocambo’s com at taking a drive out to Vegas and putting it all on the blackjack table in one big shot.

All my life I’ve felt I’ve had to ask for people’s appreciation, respect, recognition. If you don’t hit the hammer on 5he head just right with people, or you are around the wrong people, this is the result. Or it could be God teaching us acceptance, humility.

In relationships you’re bound to experience at times what appears to be rejection. Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s just people needing… or simply a brief mood or moment they are experiencing. Women in particular experience many phases or moods through out their lives. Relationships perhaps more than anything bring these on. Some men do not have the maturity or the stability to cope. I was such a man.

Lies are what keep alcoholics sick. Lies about God. Lies about other people. Lies about themselves. Perhaps more than with any other human being, “the truth shall set ua free”.*

* For the average alcoholic the world [and himself] is not as good as it appears to be -but not as bad either

We’ve turned money into a God in this country-how do I know this? For many in this country, they can live without GOD -but they can’t live without πŸ’° Tell me their actions nd attitudes don’t indicate this.

A process that is every evolving and never ending ispending is a very interesting site to behold. Especially when it comes to human beings who are greedy and…

I suppose I would have to say that just as character counts more than the color of one’s skin; one’s character would have to count more than one’s sexual preference!πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Spiritually speaking, some people die unto themselves in an instance, while most of us die bits and pieces at a time. I am of the latter variety.

Some people think in terms of the possibilities being endless. Endless that is in terms of what they can achieve, what they can amasse… And GOD will probably let them run with it for a while -it’s all part of the plan you see [they think it’s them] πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I grew up with a sense of coldness and separation from people.I had always hoped… Only to find myself living in a society calm a living in a world that is only growing more disconnected. SUX!

For many years they stopped showing people smoking in movies -I see now that practice is back.

Just how much horsepower do they intend to keep putting in these cars?

Many people do not avoid an accident because of their driving skills, but because their own lack of motor skills have not come at the wrong time. I see this in my own personal experiences [GOD?].

The lack of higher principles seems to be everywhere now.

If the moral standing continues to stand by idle, others will step forward and usher through their agendas. That’s what we see happening right now. But people are going to get tired of this stuff, and there’s going to be an outcry. When people start seeing the effects of these things on their children… It might take a while but it’s coming. That was the whole point of shutting down various practices, was to protect our children. Now that the floodgates are opening, we’ll have to wait and see what sort of effects they will have on our children.

There’s 2 kinds of happiness:

1) The kind with GOD [true happiness];

2) The kind without GOD [false happiness]. This is the kind people wake up to later on down the road and realize it was all just an illusion.

I have these feelings, not unlike many others that other people are happy and I am unhappy. But in an ever increasing godless, principleless society, GOD has assured me that what we are observing IS EITHER A BLUFF [PEOPLE PUTTING ON A SHOW IN PUBLIC] OR AN ILLUSION PREDICATED ON SOME SORT OF FANTASY. Sooner or later mankind always comes back down to reality.