It’s rare when a human being truly [absolutely] feels neutral in any given situation. People have feelings all the time for situations [people] they have no business having feelings for. In other situations they have no feelings whatsoever when they should [therefore indifferent not neutral].

Our experiences, our perceptions determine more or determine less. Some people, the more sex they have the more they want. Some people reach a point where they become tired, disgusted, even ashamed -and therefore…

If you get to express your homosexuality [openly, publicly], I get to express my feelings towards it. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

That was partly the idea of The Bible, or, or perhaps it is more accurate to say that the people who consider themselves the guardians, the curators of it’s very eccents-THAT OF DENYING MEN THEIR DEEPEST, WARPED WANTS, DESIRES AND SO FORTH. Now it appears that people in this society are going for broke as far as what it is they feel they are, what it is they feel they want, what it is they feel they desire, what it is they feel they are entitled to, what it is they feel they can… simply because they can! πŸ˜” I wonder just how much of everything going on around us is GOD’S problem, GOD’S responsibility?

Good luck trying to get certain people to do certain things for love rather than πŸ’° πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ On the other hand, it’s quite amazing what you can get certain people to do for πŸ’° πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

What do you suppose are the chances that your reason for feeling the way you do is the right one?

To feel sad and not reach for anything!

Sometimes [personal] issues turn out to be assets -without the OCDI don’t think I could carry on this work.

It’s almost impossible not to overlook the things we know about human beings historically, personally -and still walk around engaging ourselves with one another [comfortably, in good conscience]!

The good thing about television and movies and so forth is that people get to observe the values and principles of other people which they ordinarily would not be privy to in the home or out in the regular world too often. The bad thing about television and movies and so forth is that People get to observe the values and principles of other people which they ordinarily would not be privy too in the home or out in the regular world too often.

The longer I am with a company or a bank that I am doing business with the more benefits I expect to receive over the years not fewer benefits. What are these idiots doing? Now I get a notification from my bank saying they’re going to start charging me $5 a month on my checking account.

When are the going to eliminate people from commercials. Companies are increasingly trying to find ways to lower the amount of money they pay and increase the amount of money they bring in. If companies could get people to continue buying their products without having to give them jobs believe me they would do it-that would be the ideal situation for them. But people have to work to make money so that companies can take it from them. Until they figure out how to resolve that issue which I’m sure they’re working on as we speak.

If the world were turned right side up instead of upside down, I would probably be more appreciated. But money, and power, and ego seem to be the order of the day -rather than humility, one another, and principles of the highest order!

A lot of people would not be who they are today, would not be where they are at today if only they had stuck to their original principles -and not compromised them. They would not be married. They would not be as successful in business. They would not enjoy as much respect and admiration from their peers.

.A lot of people failed because of their lack of belief A lot of people fail because they continue to attempt to succeed at the impossible

Acceptance has never been my strong suit -thank GOD I was atleast able to accept my Alcoholism.

On powerlessness -walk up to someone and… and then walk up to someone and… now tell me you’re powerless! WE AFFECT ONE ANOTHER -THE ONLY QUESTION IS POSITIVELY OR NEGATIVELY! Spiritual principles are the most powerful “thing” in the universe [second only to GOD who created them]. Not in my time, not in my way, in GOD’S time, in GOD’S way! I am merely a channel of His love!*

There was a picture on the wall at “the sunshine group” with 12 principles. Each representing the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. GOD told me years ago “draw a line with those 12 principles horizontally on the left -then on the right the antonym for each. The principles on the left are what deliver us from our Alcoholism -transform our life. The principles on the left are responsible for our journey into madness.

*If I can make people get angry, sin, react… then I can effect change too through bringing them peace, demonstrating GOD’S principles, prompting them to act!

1)People are what’s important


For some people success means being in a relationship, having children… for others it means being single. The problem for some is that they don’t realize this [once they’ve achieved it].

There are many cold and shallow people working successfully to earn a living in this country. Apparently depth and warmth are not requirements to be successful πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

GOD gives us all a choice -HIS way [and suffer] or [my way and] suffer! I used to think “what kind of a choice is that?” Well to follow GOD’S way is to ascend, to go it on my own is to descend [even in my best efforts my ascension will be greatly compromised -“we find that we can accomplish in a very short time what would normally take years on our own power”.

People are easy -If you want to draw them to you figure out what appeals to them. If you want to repel them figure out what doesn’t appeal to them. It’s unfortunate that so many people operate from this rather shallow and simplistic formula -but it’s true. That’s another thing that made JESUS so wonderful, HE was the antithesis of this formula.

At 58 years old my mind is as active as ever. They say most people complete the majority of their work -at their peak- in their twenties and thirties.

I was reminded of a situation some 15 years ago. Some people use the time a person has an Alcoholics Anonymous to justify judging them [for any faults they may display]. I’m only going to say this, there is and perhaps always will be a group of women hurt by men, eager to judge a man for supposedly taking advantage of a woman in Alcoholics Anonymous. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Bill Wilson specifically points out that to stand in judgment over another alcoholic in Alcoholics Anonymous is to pass a death sentence. Alcoholics are very sensitive people, and how could we hope to retain their confidence while treating them like the rest of the world?

God doesn’t send us down a memo telling us who to marry or what job to take. He gives us principles to deal with whatever choices we make we make, whatever situation we may find ourselves in.

I am often all struck when I hear an immediate from people with many decades of sobriety “I don’t know what God’s will is for me”. It’s to practice the principles and all of our affairs.

“If you cannot believe in MY SON, believe in HIS works”.


“if you don’t want to hear the truth, then maybe Akcoholics Anonymous is not the place for you”. -ANONYMOUS

About 15 or 16 years ago I heard an interview about an interview about Andy Roddick – The interviewer spoke highly of him. Even went so far as to say “he gets it”. I then asked GOD very briefly after, “I want to get it”. HIS SWIFT REPLY:



This is just one example of ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTION AT THE RIGHT TIME! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Most of man’s progress forward and backwards takes place in progressive steps. The music of the eighties, was the 1st decade of music where artists [across the board] were openly expressing their desires, as opposed to pledging their love, or expressing their suffering [strictly] regarding love itself. And now, once again, once you Crack that door, what you end up with are aging generations who cracked that door -SHAKING THEIR HEADS! Yet most people, within a given time frame, establish their values -however warped they may appear/be. And with this trend that has gone on throughout history, people end up with the perverbial “what’s happening to kids these days”. But they just stood by idly and watched it happen. That is the World War II generations contribution to to this mess -one of them anyways. The other one, “My kids are not gonna grow up without anything like I did”. Didn’t they realize the pain and struggle are the cornerstone of character building is building and that many in our society is society from that point on or largely lacking in character!