It took me [the first] 27 years in recovery to begin to slow down enough to catch up to myself. And once a person catches up to themselves -HANG ON!!!

If you keep your mouth shut, remain humble, sometimes the group will speak up for you! And when it comes from somebody else, oftentimes it means more than if it had come from you -it has a greater impact. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Don’t think so narrow when it comes to things you disagree with or regret. Everything serves a purpose, likely likely one beyond that which you you are focused on.


I used to think that saying an Alcoholic Anonymous, “fake it till you make” it was BS. Until God pointed out to me one day that you have to start somewhere. And that starting out is the real deal it’s not faking it.

I also heard it said that “Alcoholics Anonymous is a selfish program”. Nothing GOD ever asks of us is selfish. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

They say pain is proportional to resistance.

When people die, why is it that so often we exactly what they wouldn’t want us to do? I used to ask people in treatment this question all the time.

Are your children more valuable than you are? This is another question I used to ask people in the treatment center.

I heard it said that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Staying clean and sober hasn’t been hard -,practicing the principles and working the steps has been hard! But if I don’t practice them, then stay in clean and sober will become hard! I heard a man say once that if you have the right training in mixed martial arts, that is to say that the training should be harder than the fight itself. If that’s the case, and you can hang, you’ll be all right come fight-night!

Life isn’t a game -although some people might think it is. Playing with life is like playing with a rattle snake. Same thing with relationships. You can conquer life through principles, but you can’t bypass it. The only way to the next life is through it!

I suspect that whenever GOD looks at our behaviors in the present HE always checks oor past for any extenuating circumstances.

You can be useful to others the moment you decide to. You can begin to find peace within yourself the moment you decide to live your life accordingly. You can begin to find happiness the moment you begin to realize how fortunate you are.

Joey by Concrete Blonde on YouTube

Toy Soldier by Martika on YouTube

I used to bring in pictures to recovery unit showing Before & After of certain celebrities celebrities after years of drinking and drugging. Jan Michael Vincent was one of them.

Don’t forget to brush the top of your teeth -not just the sides!

Smiling a lot seems to get me into trouble with women. Or is it smiling seems to get me in a lot of trouble with women? πŸ˜†

People think they’re knocking down barriers [they should] when in reality they’re blurring lines [they shouldn’t]!

What is your definition of life is good [LG]? Is it having what you want or wanting what you have?

A lot of people wouldn’t have fared so well without their parents. Some people faired better without them. And of course some managed to do just fine without them. As for me, I SUPPOSE ONLY TIME WILL TELL πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It is very hard for many people who have had their path to life severely distorted, and trying to move away from that and back to some semblance of a healthy way of living, a healthy way of feeling towards one’s self, towards others.

With regard many of the trends going on in this country which go against God and his teachings, I don’t know if it’s my place in part to stand against it, or two allow people the free will to do as they choose! That’s a tricky one! Especially when it comes to protecting our children -which this society appears to be less and less concerned with -or has some rather odd ideas about what that entails πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Years ago I sank to the bottom. The lowest of the low didn’t even want to have anything to do with me.Today, I still get some of those old impulses I suppose. Today I feel I deserve better though.

I still have some phantoms I’m working through. And a couple demons too πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

32 tears and 2 days of continuous “life-on-life’s-terms” ☺

Lack of motivation isn’t always a bad thing. Just as not having a good memory if you’re an alcoholic out on a binge is not necessarily a bad thing πŸ˜†

Shooting from the hip isn’t necessarily a bad thing-and less of course you’re worried about staying popular. I’d like to think I shoot from GOD’S hip though. Not that that necessarily makes a difference in so far as remaining popular.

Oftentimes a husband will hold things back from his wife or his family for his family with the best of intentions. But even then, sometimes things don’t go over so well once the truth has been revealed. I always tell my girlfriend everything. That doesn’t always go over too well.

Everybody that doesn’t give to the poor has something they want, that they feel they deserve, that they feel is admirable, Which is preventing them from doing the most admirable thing of all! Giving to those in need!! Maybe we’ve worked all our lives so we can buy a house. Maybe we worked all our lives so we can leave something to our children -who by the way are already well off in many instances πŸ˜† Saving up for the day we get sick and of course that day never comes in some cases. I’m guessing 90% of the people who have significant resources, do not give significantly to the poor in need. And I’m betting you a 100% of those people have a legitimate reason a legitimate reason for not doing so in their own minds.

Is the truth always backed up by statistical data? My f8rst impulse is to answer -the truth doesn’t need it. But with regard to the doubting Thomas’s… JESUS said so HIMSELF thou-shalt-not tempt the LORD thy GOD. It is more meritorious to have faith than to know. A lot of people will be looking for statistical data boldata in an effort to get me to to prove many of these posts. It’s an interesting point though -Statistical data regarding truths! πŸ˜†

Stuart Chase β€” ‘For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.’

There are within these post truths, facts, experiences, and I suppose a few opinions as well. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It takes a very special person in this country to overlook the lack of external beauty, and embrace the internal. Especially when they can do better. I should say it takes a special person to overlook the external and to place greater emphasis on the internal -there are lots of people in this country who are willing to do so. And there are many people in this country who are unwilling to do so. As far as the latter goes, reality brings them down-to-earth. A lot of women for example, when they are young they go for the good looking guy. After being hurt a few times, once, they start going for the going for the normal looking guy who can provide some stability and some security and some loyalty. How do I know this? When I was young, and crazy, and broke -I dated a number of women.Now that I’m older, still broke, but less crazy, women my age tend to stay away. They don’t want to compete with other women. Have you heard the story of the beautiful woman nobody wants to ask out because they figured they’ve already got a boyfriend or plenty of suitors? Only to find out she has none?