Whose the slave, us, or the credit-card companies continually groveling at our door for payment?

Don’t waste your time on people’s shortcomings, just pray for them. πŸ™πŸ»

I don’t understand how people vote for people based on their color, isn’t that racist in itself? When I see a black man voting for a white man, or visa versa, that tells me perhaps they are looking more deeply into the issues the candidates themselves believe in. OJ Simpson case: I mean really? 90% of blacks thought he was innocent, 90% whites guilty? Talk about people, on either side unwilling to accept the facts lol. Are these the same people who stand by their families side irregardless of the facts of any given situation???

There are varying degrees of resistance in human beings, compliance, vulnerability, in all areas of life.

We want everything to appear normal. We as individuals in our private lives do so to the outside world for obvious reasons. Advantages. Avoidance of repercussions and stigmas and stereotypes. Governments do it.. Science does it. Anything other worldly should be kept hush hush.

If I no longer think about the world. Problems associated with the world and what am I going to think about? This is a? This is a question we should all ask ourselves at some point in our lives.

What is it that determines the qualifications of an ambassador? I wonder πŸ€” How many politicians are ill qualified and yet receive the post?

They estimate that life must have started somewhere in northern Africa. But I figured by the time migrations set forth in set 4th in Russia, man was at one of his initial peaks regarding…

How is it that England surpassed so many other countries? And became ruler of the world?

How is it that in the major wars we were all so evenly matched? Why couldn’t one have vastly outpaced the other in terms of strategy and technology? Why couldn’t one think vastly superiorly over the other?

Why should the American public pay for extravagant expenses for this is for state and federal employees? Isn’t that what even the highest officials are, employees? How is it that when a state or federal is it a federal employee reach a certain status, suddenly they are above the American public who pay their salaries? Or not so suddenly.

There’s just something about the highest functioning individuals.

Do not flinch in the face of others humanness.

Do not run away from those you love in their hour[s] of need!

This is the new America calm a trying to be cool? Well that’s what they’re portraying in a lot of commercials now πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Once you become aware of something you never the same; Once you become aware of certain things, you always carry them with you, and you begin to notice others things about that thing. For example, once you begin to recognize satan is f’ing with you…

Even the most rational of human beings cannot ascend to the heights of spiritualism on logic alone!

It’s hard to argue with someone who doesn’t say anything.

“Please GOD remove from me any animosity towards man!”

Don’t let life discourage you from doing what you need to do -don’t let people discourage you from doing what you need to do.

Be the first to make a gesture with others, even if it’s a subtle one, and if there are unwilling to respond then you’ve done your part.

Clear the world out of your head, make room for GOD and GOD will speak to you even more clearly, and more often.

Be silent and observe.

Most people in this society are unwilling to be still.

Be passionate in your relationships but not overbearing, or intrusive!


1)Do your part;

2)Be a part of.

Lack of imagination, lack of willpower, lack of know-how – these are the only things that have stood in the way of people standing against injustices throughout history? This is what separates people like Nancy Wake from so many millions of others?

A man who cannot say no; A woman who cannot say yes…

One should pray with the same intensity of gratitude for food on the table on the table as they do for food that is not on the table. This is a good basic rule for all things

When you make the decision to approach someone with an issue, with whom you have a deep storied history with, You have to be very sure of which path you are going to take because it is very easy to take a wrong turn. And in circumstances like this people will even attempt to steer you away from the real issues. And as a matter of course, steer you away from the real solutions. Solutions can only follow after the recognition and responsibility for the problem.

How little the teachings of GOD come into play in business today.

Do you tend to spend more time, place more emphasis on how people felt about you, or about how you felt about them?

It is a fact, a documented fact that human-beings can undergo the worst treatment known to man by other human-beings, and still retain their humanity, still retain their dignity. I underwent no such treatment [to such an extent], and in certain areas -wilfully gave up my humanity, willfully surrendered my dignity. πŸ˜”

I do not believe that in most cases -a person can approach the summit with regard to character-building, and maturity through the kind of life most of us in the United States are made priviy too.

One of the biggest dishes between myself and my extended family, is it my dedication approaches unconditional. I would do anything for them if I could to include selling everything I own if they needed the financial help. They on the other hand, Would get very tired after giving me 1 or 2 rides if I should ask. One of the things my Uncle told me some 20 years ago was “The reason we don’t offer Rick is because we know you’re going to say yes”. On another occasion when I walked in on them and they were eating he stated, “I hope you already ate”. I’m sure I can come up with some real doozies on my part as well over the years, has a child growing up this was the sort of mentality I was made privy too. And even though it is a child’s responsibility as an adult to determine which things they have learned in life to pursue and which to eliminate, a child cannot help but absorb that which he or she is exposed to as example -especially when they are in such dire need of direction. An utter state of desperation for love as well.*

*They didn’t seem to like me and I didn’t seem to like them-hyphen my dad’s sister and her family. As is evident to this day, my aunt and uncle seem to have issues with the world in general. My Uncle through marriage, is more overt in his issues with me, whereas my aunt is more covert -which in each case seem to stem from the past. I WAS, I REALIZE NOW, VERY MUCH A PRODUCT OF THEIR OWN INFLUENCE. I cannot in fact think of a case which hits closer to home personally, Then the example of how; when you treat a person the way they treat you, eventually they’re going to get a resentment towards you! In the majority of ways, my aunt and uncle could be both cold ,as well as brutal in their honesty. I don’t really recall any warmth from them to be honest with you. I’m sure there were moments, but they were very few.

When the subject of the holocaust comes up, I realize that I am not nearly as engaged emotionally as I should be. My empathy’s, my sympathies for the human race in general are gravely mixed, compromised based upon my experiences-I AM VERY SORRY TO CONFESS. πŸ˜”

Instead of putting locks on our doors during the early part of the 20th century, we should have started thinking in terms of how how to effect ensuing generations soon generations so that this would not be necessary. But apparently man either does not think this way, or he feels powerless powerless to effect change in this fellow human beings where he feels empowered to place a lock on his door.

I do not believe GOD places the value of an infant [soul]above that of an adult. But HE does insinuate that to harm a child the consequences are far greater than to harm an adult. I believe what HE is really saying is that it is far more ruthless, heartless on the part of an individual to harm an innocent, a defenselese being at that, than to harm a non-innocent, adult.