It is a fact, a documented fact that human-beings can undergo the worst treatment known to man by other human-beings, and still retain their humanity, still retain their dignity. I underwent no such treatment [to such an extent], and in certain areas -wilfully gave up my humanity, willfully surrendered my dignity. π
I do not believe that in most cases -a person can approach the summit with regard to character-building, and maturity through the kind of life most of us in the United States are made priviy too.
One of the biggest dishes between myself and my extended family, is it my dedication approaches unconditional. I would do anything for them if I could to include selling everything I own if they needed the financial help. They on the other hand, Would get very tired after giving me 1 or 2 rides if I should ask. One of the things my Uncle told me some 20 years ago was “The reason we don’t offer Rick is because we know you’re going to say yes”. On another occasion when I walked in on them and they were eating he stated, “I hope you already ate”. I’m sure I can come up with some real doozies on my part as well over the years, has a child growing up this was the sort of mentality I was made privy too. And even though it is a child’s responsibility as an adult to determine which things they have learned in life to pursue and which to eliminate, a child cannot help but absorb that which he or she is exposed to as example -especially when they are in such dire need of direction. An utter state of desperation for love as well.*
*They didn’t seem to like me and I didn’t seem to like them-hyphen my dad’s sister and her family. As is evident to this day, my aunt and uncle seem to have issues with the world in general. My Uncle through marriage, is more overt in his issues with me, whereas my aunt is more covert -which in each case seem to stem from the past. I WAS, I REALIZE NOW, VERY MUCH A PRODUCT OF THEIR OWN INFLUENCE. I cannot in fact think of a case which hits closer to home personally, Then the example of how; when you treat a person the way they treat you, eventually they’re going to get a resentment towards you! In the majority of ways, my aunt and uncle could be both cold ,as well as brutal in their honesty. I don’t really recall any warmth from them to be honest with you. I’m sure there were moments, but they were very few.