There are 2 sources of lack of peace within a human being:

1) The lack of peace which comes from our own choices;

2) The lack of peace that comes from the choices of those around us commodores in the world.

We can only eliminate one of these but never the other. We can only eliminate a lack of peace from ourselves both by changing the decisions we ourselves make -even though this may be a lifelong endeavor in achieving. But the world around us is a whole will never achieve this. Some because they’re unable. Some because they’re unwilling. THAT’S LIFE!

It is quite possible, even likely that many of the deaths in the concentration camps saved, and brought salvation to many souls throughout the world, damned souls as well, which would have otherwise been lost*.

Many people become outraged when others question whether the holocaust actually took place. Do these same people get outraged when people question whether JESUS existed?? Whether JESUS was the true messiah? The Son of GOD?

*The more emphasis, the greater our belief and importance upon the hearafter, eternity rather than this finite earthly realm; a deeper understanding of the mechanisms operating between the two, the easier it will be to accept the tragedies which befall us, and those we love in this life.

Man’s attitudes are often very different when he is detached as opposed to being attached or engaged with regard to a given event. And therefore, some events [involving… principles, his fellow man, GOD… a man should never be detached from – but he is.

Just keep your mouth shut Rick. Even the Christians who claim to be followers of CHRIST have their own ideas, their own versions of these principles -can you imagine the rest of the world?

I have already been hurt repeatedly, and I have hurt repeatedly cobeautifully calm I have no wish to continue this pattern of life. However, is highly likely that I believe that as long as there is involvement with other human beings, if I never heard another human being again, it is unlikely that I will suffer [gladly] the same fortune. The vast majority of humanity will never evolve to the point of never hurting another human being again πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I’m not there myself. Isolation seems to be a great assistance to this endeavor however.

When a person is something by nature, the chances are very low that something outside of themselves selves will either detour them or encourage them with regard to that particular thing. When a person is not something by nature, rhe chances are very high that something outside of themselves will be required to instigate, to maintain that particular something. You take for example the Christian teaching of loving your neighbor as yourself. I find myself continually looking for inspiration from the individual in order to do so. I find myself in constant struggle to do so when this person either lacks something to inspire that, or worse still, when they have in themselves something that discourages that. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ IT IS FOR ME A CONSTANT STRUGGLE -IN FACT, I DO NOT KNOW MANY AMERICANS [IN THIS TOWN] WHO WILFULLY EMBRACE DIFFICULT PEOPLE AT ALL.

We think of most people who are selfish as setting them up for being in the firing line. But some people actually stay out of the firing line through being selfish.

I’m watching the movie”Eichmann”, and the thought came to mind:

  1. 1) By killing such a man you make him a martyr for his own cause? I mean after all we have Christian martyrs com we have Jewish martyrs, we have Buddhist martyrs, we have women’s right martyrs.
  2. 2) God does not choose aside so easily as we human beings do. He is most certainly not moved emotionally away from right and wrong, away from his basic set of values. In fact you could be playing right into the hands of God [salvation of one more soul], and therefore for Eikman’s salvation by doing so. Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt what icon’s final thoughts were? Do you know beyond the shadow of a doubt how your actions ultimately dissuaded or persuaded the man?
  3. 3) GOD could have taken the man’s life at any time, HE doesn’t require us to do his work for HIM. It’s always best not to step in the shoes of, and play GOD as human beings – For we never have the final say, GOD does. By interfering, things might not work out the way we planned [hoped rather].
  4. 4) You think GOD is up there celebrating when one of HIS children gets electrocuted, hung…? I see people in the movies dancing around to the news of Eichmann having been caught
  5. 5) Retaliating against somebody who has sinned against us brings sin on ourselves. JESUS says we are to pray for people and show them kindness in in effort to bring about salvation. If HE could do this with Judas…*

On a separate note: It bothers me to see people getting away with things when I was held accountable so many times for the things I did. But as I had mentioned previously, Accountability ultimately makes her breaks a person – in my case it made me. I knew people growing up who got away with things all the time, who felt they were invincible all the way to the bitter end. πŸ˜”

*If we are going to error, it is best to error in an act of love rather than an act of hate**.

**JESUS stated that if somebody does something they believe to be right, however wrong, it cannot be a sin. Now you notice that I indicated “a belief in a belief in being right”, I did not indicate “telling somebody else in a lie -that they believed it was right” in order to avoid repercussions for their actions. And like it or not, probably every one of the Germans who believed they were doing right -will not be punished as sinners. The people in Israel who were against JESUS because HE was violating the law; JESUS specifically points out that these people cannot be punished as sinners! HE GOES ON TO POINT OUT THAT THE ESSENCE OF SIN IS WILLFUL ACTION REGARDING SOMETHING YOU KNOW TO BE WRONG! AND FURTHERMORE, TEMPTATION IN AND OF ITSELF IS NOT A SIN. How we respond to it is either sinful, or meritorious. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Does it ease your angst somewhat to know that the person who has called you out on your lifestyle has also done so in every other regard to those also living outside of GOD’S design?

“Getting all wrapped up in the world in my head is not going to make me a part of it.” πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Keep your expectations low and your gratitude high.

Life is a drudgery as well as a wonderful experience to behold. But if we start paying too much attention to one and not the other πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ In either case, what you end up with -is not good!

We have become so dulled to the awe and wonder of the things before our very eyes -to the very life God is granted each of us. That for many of us, the only thing capable to snap us out of it is the prospect of life elsewhere!

The most incredible thing in the universe is not the largest star or the dentist planet, or even the vastness of space itself – But a loving GOD who believes it all!

Some people are great at supporting, coaxing, bringing along other people -but can’t seem to do so with regard to themselves. But then there are those people who can -and that is really something!

If we have to climb over each other to get something how badly do we really need it? How good is it for us really? We have to keep pulling our egos out of the closet and in order to triumph, to outdo the next fellow, is it really worth it? I’m speaking specifically about women in the area I live. Women whose attitude is borderline bullying. Women will say they have to be that way in order to get what they want or to be heard. But I was that way for most of my life; and GOD is trying to teach me to put my ego in park or neutral gear. Maybe there’s a lesson there for you as well -I don’t know πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Between my own issues and yours, I’m worn out! Discouraged!

“It takes alot of character to storm the arena Rick”. “Well, there doesn’t seem to be ample appreciation for gladiators these days”. “There seldom is Rick -there seldom is”. πŸ™ƒ

“People seldom want to admit to anything [perhaps since they don’t feel obligated to answer to GOD in many instances, why would they feel obligated to do so with their fellowman πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ]. And God repeatedly states in “The Poem of the MAN-GOD” that we are not to judge others, but to the best of our ability to love, and forgive. “It just seems to me that between people’s attitudes, and GOD’S LAWS, there’s little room for US Christians ✝️: what we think, feel… tough road to hoe man!” πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ˜• “SIGHS”.

Do you [also] have a tendency to [change] STOP doing what was working? I do! πŸ˜” For example, for a while I was putting my check into an account every month which had a balance due, collecting monthly interest. By depositing a good chunk of my check, I was negating the interest more-or-less. But then, I stopped doing it! πŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ