We pay all sorts of torrid consequences for being a free society. But who gains the most and who pays the most? The people making the rules? Our supposedly free society… Those who make the rules; Not a free society so much as freedom to “GAIN”. SO WHY CAN’T YOU, OR I, USE THEIR OWN RULES [OF THE GAME] AGAINST THEM [TO OUR OWN ADVANTAGE]? That sounds pretty screwed up though, doesn’t it? A set of rules, a lifestyle where I get the cream off the top while you get the 0% fat!

There’s two kinds of people in the world:

1)People with issues who are willing to do something about them;

2)People with issues who are not.

Everyone’s got issues; but not everyone is willing to do something about it.

[Reminder] Higher fxning individuals often tend not to feel the need to affect changes [fine-tune?]. Lower-fnxing as well, but… I believe it swings more towards the higher-fxning. But guess who [worthy esteem vs entitled attitude] people tend to choose for partners. Or atleast, guess what happens to relationships involving high-fxning people unwilling [able] to make (further) adjustments to life, their relationships.

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