Some people like people who make things easier for them in certain areas and some people like people who make things harder for them in certain areas.

God gives us free will and many of us take full advantage of it insert in areas while not taking enough of it another area is -but that’s another issue. Again, God gives us free will and in many instances we take full advantage of its, but when other people do the same we complain because God doesn’t intervene [on our behalf]. HUMANS [WE OFTEN WANT IT BOTH WAYS].

When people are making a living off of things that we should be trying to eliminate from the human experience, it sets up a conflict working against the elimination of that human experience.

I think people who are victims have trouble with utilizing their power to deal with realities many of us encounter day-to-day. And things not ordinarily encountered day-to-day. Thank You LORD 🙏🏻

Man has to stay busy -It either seems to be in his nature or a product of The Times. That is, what he does to busy himself seems to be largely a product of The Times. Additionally, man often times acts when he shouldn’t, and fails to act when he should. He also tends to busy himself with things which are meaningless; while tending not to busy himself with the most important of things. How often the such things as the concept of eternity are missing from our field of view, our vision! 😔

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