You can get away with “X” in your friendships and your relationships and your interactions with people as long as you have “Y” in there as part of the recipe or mix -otherwise… Additionally, women can get away with things that men cannot. Old people can get away with things that middle aged and young people cannot. It’s quite an interesting series of things that work and don’t work depending upon… Human beings [sighs].

Some people really think there something, and the fact that they think so negates the potential of being so!

After we got booted out of paradise it became necessary to develop and apply survival skills. Through this process we begin to recapture some of the grace, some of the character man refuted. But now we see people attempting to eliminate the need for these skills, for this action -and along with it what do you suppose goes out the door with it? You can’t cheat the reality of what has come to pass. What is required of us as a consequence. You can’t create paradise outside of paradise without consequences.

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