All these people who have a double-personality, so nice on the outside, but when push-comes-to-shove, when deep-seeded feelings are involved… another side, an alter-ego emerges. Now then, these sorts of people 🙄 cause many of us to LOOK AT ALL OF HUMANITY WITH ⚠️ WHICH IN TURN BRINGS SEPARATION BECAUSE -WE BEGIN TO ALIENATE FROM GOOD PEOPLE AND BAD PEOPLE ALIKE -BECAUSE TO OUR MINDS, NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED. INCIDENTALLY, WOULD YOU EXPECT Satan NOT TO USE THIS TACT IN BREEDIMG DISSEMINATION AMONG GOD’S FLOCK [would you expect anything less].*
Can you love someone too much? Do people who hurt those they love really love them?
A regular, straightforward murder doesn’t work anymore, you have to have a twist or two to really gather the public’s attention. Are we really slaves to the public’s neurosis? GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT -SO WE IN TURN CAN GET FROM THEM WHAT WE WANT???? IS IT REALLY THAT SHALLOW???? SIMPLISTIC????
*Many people are not different in their reactions to [their] feelings from other people; they’re different in that they don’t experience the same level or depth of feelings. It’s not a good idea to invest more emotionally than… biting off more than you can chew. Perhaps seemingly 🥶 🧊 ☃️ 🧥 ❄ cold people understand this philosophy all-too-well! People who are seemingly never bothered by anything (the other side of the pendulum).