Many people find a life with GOD alone; GOD the object of their lives very unfulfilling and empty; to them there seems little comparison between what God has to offer and what the world has to offer as far as fulfillment and stimulation; But have they really experienced GOD? Or are they simply caught in “The void”, the absence of the world and the absence of GOD which is often a prelude to contact with GOS?
The worst place (feeling-wise) for an alcoholic to be; the best place (transitionally-speaking) for an alcoholic to be is between the world of active addiction (dry but not yet sober) and the world of spirituality which is where most of us seeking recovery pass through, end up… They no longer have the crutch of the substance and they haven’t yet learned to rely on the spiritual principles leading them to GOD, to an infinitely better way of life!
When you begin to recognize the solution you thought was a solution that was never really a solution is no longer a solution… AHA!