The older we get the more responsibility we must shoulder for assisting the body in doing things that can no longer do [as efficiently].

A person who doesn’t care much for people, certain people and doesn’t do a very good job of concealing it…

Everyone has pains in their life they are bound to suffer; pains which are unavoidable, pains which are inescapable-for life! Any attempt at escaping them… only leads to trouble. Any attempt at avoiding them… well, let us say that presents it’s own set of troubles in itself. So settle in and 🤔 learn to live with them because many of them are a natural, normal part of human life.*

Women, if you don’t please them, you don’t get pleased. And in many instances, one is a requirement while the other is hit-and-miss. You see, while many women require you to satisfy them [pass the test], whether or not you are satisfied is secondary to them. In some cases a distant second.

*When we choose to have life given to us on this plane of existence, comma we are in effect agreeing to all of the things that go along with it. And when we try to reneg on that agreement once we’re here and life begins to “HURT”, we pay for it in all sorts of perverse ways.

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